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Rep. Jerry Carl: America worse off under Biden

Since Joe Biden took office, it’s no secret that Americans are worse off than we were four years ago. He has used his position of power to turn our country into a sitting duck with borders wide open and crime rates soaring, while the cost of living is through the roof, and our country is becoming unrecognizable. 

Over 9 million illegal immigrants have come into our country under Joe Biden’s failed leadership. February was the 36th straight month where monthly illegal immigrant encounters have been higher than even the highest month seen under President Trump. Yet, Senate Democrats and President Biden refuse to sign H.R. 2, the strongest border bill the House has ever passed, into law. Border security is national security, and judging by the state of our southern border, our nation is not secure under Joe Biden. 

Joe Biden and the Far Left are also to blame for soaring crime rates in communities everywhere. Last year, D.C. had the highest number of homicides since 1997, with 274 homicides. Homicides in Chicago are up 23% compared to 2019. Murders in New York City are up 23.1% from 2019, while felony assault is up 35.4%. Across 32 cities, car thefts increased 33.5% in the first half of 2023. Carjackings in Washington, D.C., are up 98% from 2022. Car thefts in New York City are up 191% from 2019. Businesses lost $112 billion due to retail theft in 2022 which is up from $93.9 billion in 2021. A record 5,363 NYPD police officers were injured on the job in 2023.

All of this is due to the Biden Administration being soft on crime and Democrats trying to defund police departments across America. We must give policemen and women the tools they need to keep our communities safe. 

As if the southern border and crime rates weren’t enough, Joe Biden has hurt Americans with sky high inflation rates. Inflation has risen by 18.6% since Joe Biden became President, despite him inheriting an inflation rate of just 1.4%. This is a tax on all Americans, and people cannot afford basic goods and services. Under Joe Biden’s failed economic agenda, Americans are spending over $11,400 more annually to buy the basics. 

The job of the President is simple – protect the people of the United States. As I’ve stated before, the American people deserve leadership from President Biden, but so far, we have seen none. The President must take action to protect our borders, crack down on crime, lower inflation and show strength and leadership on the global stage before it’s too late.

Jerry Carl represents Alabama’s First Congressional District. He lives in Mobile with his wife Tina.


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