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Rep. Carl: Republicans need to unify against Biden

After seeing the results in South Carolina, it is evident we need to unite behind Donald Trump in combating Joe Biden’s efforts to drive this country into the ground.

Since day one, I have been working to fight the Biden Administration’s far left policies like reckless government spending, insane environmental regulations, and our wide-open Southern border. 

On the Appropriations Committee, I have worked to cut billions in wasteful government spending, while ensuring our military is fully funded and there are federal dollars going toward securing our Southern border. 

It’s no secret the Biden Administration has waged war on American energy production and has delayed critical projects like the Keystone XL pipeline. As a result, all Americans are paying more for energy, and our nation is less safe as a result because we are now relying on dirtier energy from Russia and China.

I was proud to see H.R. 1, The Lower Energy Costs Act, pass the House floor last year. I’m especially proud that a bill I worked on – the Unleashing American Energy Act – is included in this package. My bill fights back on the Biden Administration’s war on our domestic energy production by mandating oil and gas lease sales each year in the Gulf of Mexico and off Alaska’s coast. This bill also includes a huge increase in Alabama’s share of offshore oil and gas revenue, which is so important for coastline restoration and conservation projects.

On top of that, Biden has used his environmental terrorists to put regulations in place that impact how fishers and anglers across our country go about their livelihood. I have worked tirelessly to ensure that these out of touch environmental groups are stopped dead in their tracks by being an original cosponsor of the WHALE Act and securing language in the Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations bill that ensures funds are not used to enforce speed restrictions in the Gulf based on an endangered species. 

With a government shutdown looming and our borders wide open, we have got to unite behind one person who can get the job done and get America back on track. We have got to secure our Southern border and get these Appropriations spending cuts placed into law.

I encourage all of my Republican colleagues to join me in this fight against the Biden Administration and restore common sense in our government.

Jerry Carl represents Alabama’s First Congressional District. He lives in Mobile with his wife Tina.

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