60 Plus Association — the nation’s largest conservative seniors organization — has chosen Alabama to be the first state in the country where they will launch a state-based chapter.
60 Plus has over 7.5 million “senior supporters” nationally, including 80,000 here in Alabama.
“Alabama is the perfect place to launch the first 60 Plus state chapter,” said Apryl Marie Fogel, 60 plus’ Alabama state director. “With each passing day Alabama seniors are learning that AARP does not represent their interests and are looking for an organization that they can trust to fight for them. 60 Plus is that organization. We have been active in Alabama for years, with over 80,000 current senior supporters. With the launch of a state chapter we will be increasingly active at the state level and will keep our members informed about the policies that effect their pocketbooks.”
The group’s move to increase their presence in Alabama is welcomed news for seniors in the state, many of whom have been fleeing AARP for years, especially after its support of the president’s healthcare law. It was widely reported that 300,000 seniors left AARP in the immediate aftermath of ObamaCare’s passage.
60 Plus describes themselves as a “non-partisan seniors advocacy group with a free enterprise, less government, less taxes approach to seniors issues. 60 Plus has set ending the federal estate tax and saving Social Security for the young as its top priorities.”
Their Alabama Chapter’s first event in the state will take place this coming Monday, Dec. 16th in Montgomery.
The town hall event, which is titled Alabamians Share Their ObamaCare Stories, is open to the public and will feature Rep. Martha Roby, R-Montgomery.
“Congresswoman Martha Roby will lead a discussion on ObamaCare alternatives that would repeal and replace the law with healthcare solutions that put patients and doctors back in control of the decisions that impact their medical care and quality of life,” 60 Plus said in a release.
Additional details are below.
“Share Your Obamacare Story” Townhall event hosted by the 60 Plus Association featuring Alabama Congresswoman Martha Roby
Monday, December 16th 2:00 – 3:30 PM (doors open at 1:30 PM)
Embassy Suites, 300 Tallapoosa Street, Montgomery, AL 36104
Congresswoman Martha Roby
Jim Martin, Chairman and Founder, The 60 Plus Association
Amy Frederick, President, The 60 Plus Association
Becky Gerritson, Wetumpka Tea Party
For more information, email Apryl Marie Fogel at amfogel(at)60plus(dot)org.
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