Thursday, Club for Growth Action, the federal super PAC associated with the Washington, D.C.- based Club for Growth, released a poll conducted on its behalf by WPA Intelligence of likely Republican primary voters that found former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions leading former Auburn football coach Tommy Tuberville in the contest for the GOP’s U.S. Senate nod.
Sessions leads with 34% of the vote followed by Tuberville with 29% and U.S. Rep. Bradley Byrne (R-Fairhope) is in third at 17%.
“If the election were held today, Jeff Sessions and Tommy Tuberville would advance to a run-off,” the memo from WPA Intelligence concludes.

The findings of the poll reflect a poll conducted by Mason-Dixon Polling and Strategy on behalf of Alabama Daily News. That poll found 31% would vote for Sessions, 29% for Tuberville and 17% for Byrne.
Recent polling conducted on behalf of candidates shows slightly different results — all with Sessions leading but Byrne ahead of Tuberville.
According to an internal poll conducted on behalf of the Sessions campaign by national pollster Wes Anderson of On Message, Inc. from January 13-15, Session led with 43%, Byrne at 22% and Tuberville at 21%. In a poll conducted on behalf of the Byrne campaign by Harper Polling from February 8-9, 31% of respondents chose Sessions, compared to 26% for Byrne and 24% for Tuberville.
Club for Growth Action/WPAi Methodology:
WPAi conducted a poll of n = 600 likely Republican primary voters in Alabama. Interviews were conducted using live telephone interviews to cell phones (43% of interviews) and interactive voice response (IVR) calls to landlines from February 10-12, 2020. The survey has a margin of error of +4.0%. The sample was selected from the Alabama voter file with the probability of selection being equal to the probability of voting in the March Republican primary election in WPAi’s turnout model. Sample was stratified by age, gender, and geography to ensure accurate representation of the electorate.
@Jeff_Poor is a graduate of Auburn University, the editor of Breitbart TV, a columnist for Mobile’s Lagniappe Weekly and host of Huntsville’s “The Jeff Poor Show” from 2-5 p.m. on WVNN.