Ivey: ‘Responsibility’ of legislators educate anti-gas tax hike constituents about benefits of ‘Rebuild Alabama’

Friday, the Alabama State House overwhelmingly passed HB 2, the Rebuild Alabama Act during a special session called earlier in the week by Gov. Kay Ivey by a margin of 83-20.

The legislation championed by the governor next heads to the Alabama State Senate, where it will be taken up by the body’s Transportation and Energy Committee on Monday.

In an appearance on Alabama Public Television’s “Capitol Journal” on Friday after the bill’s passage, Ivey applauded the House. But she explained how the path to what many assume will be the bill’s ultimate passage started during the 2018 election cycle.

“New members of the House and Senate were vetted, if you will, by the leadership of those two houses while they were thinking about running,” Ivey explained to host Don Dailey. “And if anybody was not willing to address the issue, they weren’t encouraged to seek office. None of the new members were unfamiliar with this topic. And yes, we included the House and Senate freshmen in both parties in meetings that I have and continue to have, and will continue to do so.”

Dailey asked if Ivey recognized the difficulties some members of the Alabama legislature faced given so many of those legislators’ constituents were staunchly opposed to the gas tax hike component of the Rebuild Alabama Act.

“Certainly,” she replied. “At the same time, these new House and Senate members got elected. People expect them to get information that they don’t have, to bring it back and explain it to them. And most of the legislators have done that. It is so easy to say, ‘Well, I’m just going to listen to my constituents.’ But you know, the constituents don’t have the benefit of all the information that has been provided to legislators. A legislator ought to be really effective, who has been chosen as a leader – needs to take this information on whatever the subject and inform the people, and say, ‘Look, this makes sense. Our area, like you, will benefit.’”

“So there’s a responsibility of our elected people, too,” she added.

@Jeff_Poor is a graduate of Auburn University, the editor of Breitbart TV and host of “The Jeff Poor Show” from 2-5 p.m. on WVNN in Huntsville.