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Here’s what Alabama’s 2020 GOP U.S. Senate candidates raised in the third quarter

Yellowhammer News on Tuesday learned that Secretary of State John H. Merrill achieved the largest financial haul of all Alabama Republican 2020 U.S. Senate candidates during the third quarter, which ended September 30. However, Congressman Bradley Byrne (AL-01) led in fundraising, raising the most amount of money from contributions.

Finance reports covering Q3 are due on Tuesday, and Yellowhammer News got the scoop on the leading candidates’ fundraising totals.

Merrill received $372,520 in Q3 contributions and put in an additional $250,000 bank loan, for a total receipt of $622,250. Merrill had approximately $738,000 cash-on-hand at the end of the quarter.

His campaign advised that Merrill’s quarterly contributions came from 341 individual donors and three PACs. This included 157 donations under $100. Over 80% of the contributions were from Alabama.

In a statement to Yellowhammer News, Merrill said, “I am humbled by the outpouring of support I have received from hardworking Alabamians from all over the state. Our campaign is gaining more and more momentum and support each and every day and I look forward to serving the people of Alabama in the United States Senate!”

Byrne raised $408,383 in the third quarter and reported having $2,529,019 cash-on-hand.

In a statement, Byrne said, “I am so grateful to every person who contributes to our fight to bring our Alabama values to the U.S. Senate.”

“From the start, this campaign has been fueled by grassroot supporters across Alabama, and today’s fundraising report shows that our campaign is only getting stronger and is built to last,” he added.

Former Auburn head football coach Tommy Tuberville, who has been leading by a margin of about 15-20% in all available polling, raised $373,000 and had approximately $1,455,000 on hand at the end of Q3.

Approximately 82% of all of Tuberville’s contributions came from Alabamians, with 81% of all contributions being under $200. Tuberville’s haul came from 1,465 donors in Q3, with 98% being individuals.

In a statement, Tuberville campaign manager Paul Shashy said, “Voters are sick and tired of career politicians. They are disgusted with what they see taking place in Washington and want an outsider that will support President Trump and defeat Doug Jones in November.”

“It won’t be long before Coach’s opponents will start attacking him because they have nothing to run on,” he continued, speaking of the first-time candidate. “The swamp will do anything to hold on to power, but today’s report demonstrates that voters from across the state are excited to support a candidate that understands the challenges they are facing. Coach’s message of securing the border, standing firm against impeachment, and fighting for life, and our 2nd Amendment rights, is resonating with voters – it’s the very reason he has a double-digit lead on his nearest opponent.”

State Rep. Arnold Mooney (R-Indian Springs) raised $242,738 in the latest quarter, ending it with $386,045 cash-on-hand.

Mooney campaign general consultant Jordan Gehrke stated, “Arnold Mooney’s conservative grassroots support continues to grow, and he will have the money he needs to win.”

Former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore raised $63,153 and spent $45,188 during Q3, leaving him with $34,189 on hand.

An earlier version of this article was updated to reflect that Merrill’s numbers included a $250,000 loan rather than a $200,000 loan.

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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