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Watch: Doug Jones calls question about his opposition to Trump judges ‘dumb’

Senator Doug Jones (D-AL) said he believes it is “dumb” to ask why he thinks he knows “better” than Alabamians regarding judicial nominations made by President Donald Trump.

A tracker on Saturday caught up with Jones leaving his event in Aspen, Colorado, and referenced previous statements made by the senator, including his assertion that representing the majority of Alabamians is not “the be all to end all.”

“Senator, why do you think you know better than Alabamians about Trump judges?” the tracker first asked Jones.

After brief efforts by Jones to avoid answering the question, the tracker again asked, “Why [do] you think you know better than Alabamians?”

Following a bite of what appeared to be an ice-cream sandwich, Jones arrived at his car. However, he apparently could not help lashing out.

“You asked me pretty dumb questions,” Jones said, mocking the tracker before entering the vehicle.


Following his trip to Aspen, Jones traveled to Chicago, where he held an event on Sunday at a private residence.

This came in the wake of Yellowhammer News reporting that Jones again raised only 12% of his individual itemized contributions from Alabamians last quarter.

RELATED: Doug Jones’ approval rating continues to fall

Sean Ross is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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