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Doug Jones: Biden does not have ‘senior moments’ — Just ‘Joe Biden moments’

CNN on Saturday night’s episode of “The Van Jones Show” aired a sit-down interview with Senator Doug Jones (D-AL), who discussed a range of topics including impeaching President Donald Trump, which version of socialized healthcare he supports, gun control and other issues of the day.

This included Alabama’s junior senator doubling down on his support of former Vice President Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential bid, even as Biden faces mounting scrutiny over his son’s foreign business dealings and struggles to retain his lead in the polls.

In the second half of the interview, host Van Jones prompted Senator Jones to share his thoughts on the latest Democratic primary debate, which had occurred earlier that week.

He claimed that a more moderate “voice” amongst the Democratic field has been gradually “built” over the “last couple of debates.”

“I think [so-called moderates] got drowned out early on,” the senator added.

“You know, look — full disclosure, you know I have endorsed my friend, Joe Biden — I think he had a very strong debate,” Senator Jones continued. “I think that whole middle challenging what is the perceived, to me — all of the momentum in the Democratic Party being to the left. I think you saw the other day that’s not the case.”

The host then asked the 2020 reelection candidate what worries him about the “progressive” economic ideas farthest to the left in his party.

Senator Jones outlined that people across the country generally do not want to be forced into doing or not doing something by the government, instead wanting options.

This segued into the CNN host asking about “Medicare for All Who Want It” rather than “Medicare for All.”

Of the former, Senator Jones remarked, “That’s basically the Biden plan. The Biden plan is a public option — I’ve been saying that I ran on a public option in 2017 when ‘Repeal and Replace’ was — that’s what was going on in the Senate in the 2017 [special election].”

Van Jones then asked, “When you say public option, you mean if you want to be on a government program you can, if you want to be on a private plan you can?”

“Yeah, and it’s going to be paid for,” Senator Jones responded.

The host, going back to Biden, emphasized his and the senator’s respective longtime relationships with the former vice president. Van Jones said Biden may have “lost his step” or “air has come out of the tires.”

“Are you worried at all about some of these kind of missteps, the fumbles, the senior moments?” the host asked. “I mean, a lot of people are talking about that behind closed doors.”

Senator Jones answered, “You know, look — those moments of Joe’s are not ‘senior moments.’ Those are ‘Joe Biden moments.’ And they’ve been there for a long time. It’s what makes Joe authentic. See, I really think, Van, to some extent people want authenticity. And that — there is no-one on that stage that is more authentic than Joe. I’m just being honest about that. So, I don’t worry about that. And I think the age factor, I think he had a really wonderful answer the other day. Because we’re seeing a situation right now where experience and wisdom and getting to know leaders from around the world would be making a huge difference if he was sitting in that Oval Office today.”

Senator Jones has been quick to come to Biden’s defense this cycle.

Most recently, Senator Jones pushed back on Congressman Bradley Byrne’s (AL-01) call for an investigation into Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings and how Joe Biden was involved.

He also defended Biden earlier this year when he came under fire for remarks about former segregationist Democratic senators, as well as deeming sexual misconduct allegations against Joe Biden as distractions from beating President Donald Trump in 2020.

Senator Jones has vowed to back whomever the Democrats ultimately nominate against Trump in 2020, no matter how radical that individual is.

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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