Cruz gives University of Alabama a shout out during his ‘filibuster’

WASHINGTON – During his “filibuster” over defunding President Barack Obama’s health care, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, went through a list of employers having to make adjustments to their payrolls in order to afford ObamaCare’s compliance costs.

The list of employers, which was created by Investor’s Business Daily, happened to include the University of Alabama.

Cruz joked that Alabama may have deserved the punishment for beating Cruz’s home-state Texas A&M Aggies, but on a more serious note pointed out the negative impact the law was having on students trying to work their way through school.

“Alabama — the University of Alabama,” Cruz began, “capped student work hours at 20 per week. You know, that may in fact be justifiable punishment for their having beat Texas A&M, but it’s still not good for the students who would like to work more than 20 hours a week.

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