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Alabama Senate leader: school choice is about putting parents over bureaucrats

With the election of President Donald Trump, school choice has been at the front of every discussion affecting education policy in the United States....

New bill would prohibit Alabama judges from imposing death penalty when jury recommends prison

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- The Alabama House of Representatives is debating a bill that could limit when state judges chose to impose the death penalty....

Gov. Bentley releases dates for U.S. Senate special election

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- The next election for the U.S. Senate seat formerly held by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) will take place on...

Alabama Rep. sponsors bill to give veterans full access to private, local care

Alabama Congressman Bradley Byrne is fighting to ensure that the Department of Veteran's Affairs will never again be in a position to prevent veterans...

Shelby’s new committee post puts him up-close in the battle to cut EPA regulations

On Monday, Alabama Senator Richard Shelby announced that he's been appointed to the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. The new assignment gives him...

False perception of corruption could hurt Luther Strange’s political future (opinion)

If you look at Luther Strange’s record, there is no doubt that he is immensely qualified to serve as our senator, and no Republican...

Gov. Bentley faces renewed impeachment effort

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- Governor Robert Bentley (R-Ala.) is not out of the woods yet. After last year's efforts to impeach the governor stalled out,...

Five things you need to know about Steve Marshall, Alabama’s new AG

On Monday, the Yellowhammer State was introduced to its newest Attorney General. Appointed by Governor Bentley to take over for Luther Strange, Marshall County...

Alabama’s new Attorney General vows to recuse himself from possible investigation into Governor Bentley

Following Luther Strange's appointment to U.S. Senate, Alabama now has a new Attorney General. On Friday, Governor Bentley announced Steve Marshall will fill the...

The Southern Poverty Law Center’s case against conservative Alabama judge just backfired

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) may come to regret the battle they started with Alabama Supreme Court Justice Tom Parker. A failed complaint against...

Local Alabama Talk Radio Host Bucks the Snowflake Stereotype

The words “safe space,” “entitled” and “protest” increasingly and almost inextricably are associated with the millennial generation. Reports of violent protests on college campuses...

Bentley interviewing decorated veteran, state senator for Attorney General post

One day after Governor Robert Bentley announced that Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange would take the place of Jeff Sessions, his office has confirmed...

Sessions’ daughter shares pride in her father in heartfelt post

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions confirmation was one of the most divisive actions of Trump's presidency to date. Every step along the way, Sessions...

Gov. Bentley wants to eliminate the sales tax on groceries

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- In an about-face from his previous policy proposals, Gov. Robert Bentley (R-Ala.) wants to cut a tax. During his annual State...

Jeff Sessions’ farewell speech receives a standing ovation

Though he faced a contentious confirmation process, now-Attorney General Jeff Sessions received a warm farewell from his colleagues in the U.S. Senate. Following his...

Alabama Congressional Delegation reacts to appointment of Strange to U.S. Senate

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The current members of the Alabama Congressional Delegation are about to have a new colleague. Following last night's confirmation of Jeff...

Breaking: Luther Strange will replace Jeff Sessions as Alabama’s next U.S. Senator

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- Following the confirmation of Jeff Sessions to the office of U.S. Attorney General, Alabama Governor Robert Bentley has announced that he...

Breaking: Sessions confirmed as the next U.S. Attorney General

Alabama's Jeff Sessions has officially been confirmed as the next U.S. Attorney General. The GOP majority has fought hard to position Senator Sessions for a...

On the U.S. House floor, Rep Mo Brooks skewers the Washington Post as ‘fake news’

Washington D.C.'s largest media outlet is now facing the ire of Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks. On Tuesday, Rep. Brooks dubbed the Washington Post as "fake...

Luther Strange tops Bentley’s list to replace Sessions

As Jeff Sessions is postured to receive a approval today as the next U.S. Attorney General, all eyes are turning to Robert Bentley. ...

Is Birmingham the next Chicago? Radio host sounds off after seven murders in a single week

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- Local conservative talk radio host Michael Hart is wondering what is going on in the city of Birmingham. In a post...

Making Our Courts Great Again: How Trump’s Pick for the Supreme Court Will Impact Your Life for the Better. (opinion)

One reason I love being an attorney is that every day there is something new I get to learn about the world. The law...

Nationwide Planned Parenthood Protest to hit Alabama

Alabamians will have the opportunity to publicly voice their opposition to Planned Parenthood at two rallies that are a part of a larger nationwide...

Sessions now appears to be one day away from becoming Attorney General

A Democrat-led effort to filibuster the nomination of Jeff Sessions for U.S. Attorney General has just been halted in Washington, opening the door for...