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Guest Opinion

The cost of stopping global warming

In 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change set a new goal to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. The costs and consequences...

Aderholt: Woke liberal culture wants to destroy the fabric of sports

There are few things in everyday life that teach our kids life lessons better than sports. As they grow up and play for different...

Britt: Broadband expansion a must for rural communities and 21st century jobs

The American Dream is fueled by the aspiration that all Americans should have the opportunity to build a better life for themselves through work...

Carl: Texas Democrats’ cowardly stunt

The most basic responsibility of any elected lawmaker is to show up and vote, even when it’s tough. I’ve been in Congress for a...

Beef for generations

Beef has been on the dinner table throughout our history in modern society. When humankind transitioned from being hunters and gathers to farmers and...

Carl: Re-open the People’s House

Last week, the effort to disassemble the giant wall around the United States Capitol Building began. While this is an important step as our...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: Eating for a living

A highlight of my Fourth of July is the Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest. This year Joey Chestnut devoured 76 hot dogs in...

Steve Flowers: Remembering John Patterson

Alabama lost its oldest past governor when John Patterson passed away last month. He died on the same land where he was born in...

Guest: Fewer people went to prison, crime dropped — Let’s build on our success

Something just short of miraculous is happening in Alabama’s prisons. The number of incarcerated young people has been cut in half since 2005. Buried...

Carl: Democrats’ infrastructure deal is bad for Alabama

This past weekend as we celebrated Independence Day, many of you likely traveled to visit friends and family, or maybe even spent a relaxing...

Guest: State and local barriers to entrepreneurship

State and local governments lure businesses with incentive packages. Yet these governments impose rules stifling entrepreneurs starting new businesses, forgetting that Amazon, offered multi-billion...

Flowers: Privatization of ABC stores fails again

Alcohol was on the minds of many Alabama lawmakers this year as the legislature considered an abnormally high number of alcohol-related bills. Several of...

Katie Britt: Biden’s defense budget fails our men, women in uniform

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,...

Guest: Protecting Alabama’s waters requires more than lawsuits

Recent heavy rains put the spotlight on one of the most common yet extremely difficult to resolve environmental concerns – untreated or partially treated...

Carl: Holding China accountable for COVID-19

Like many of you, I have lost several friends to COVID-19, and I know of countless others who fell seriously ill, lost their job...

Guest: Senator Tuberville delivers actionable environmental solution for Alabama

The Growing Climate Solutions Act (GCSA), cosponsored by Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville, passed the Senate last week, a victory for Alabama’s farmers and environmental...

Guest: The NCAA cartel is collapsing

The unanimous U.S. Supreme Court decision in NCAA v. Alston portends change for college sports. This case involves education-related benefits and is separate from...

Flowers: Legislative session essentially successful

The 2021 legislative session ended last month with an impressive slate of legislative accomplishments. A goodly amount of the credit for the success of the...

Guest: Obamacare wins again

Last week, the Supreme Court reaffirmed Obamacare. In fact, this is the third time that they have upheld it as law. If there is...

Guest: ‘For the People Act’ was always a bad idea

For months, we have been inundated with stories of a federal proposal named by the Democrat Party as the “For the People Act.” Upon...

Carl: It’s time to get tough on Russia

Last week, the world watched as President Biden traveled to the G7 Summit. While overseas, he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss...

Steve Flowers: Prison issue unresolved

There were two major issues not resolved during the just completed regular legislative session. Gambling and prisons were left on the table and up...

Dr. Daniel Sutter: The homeschooling surge

After schools throughout the country closed in spring 2020 due to COVID-19, homeschooling increased significantly in the 2020-21 school year. The surge has been...

Guest: Leaders of Birmingham should use stimulus funds to make the city ‘magic’ again for all citizens

The City of Birmingham will use nearly a quarter of its first round of federal stimulus payments from the American Rescue Act to provide...