Analysis — Page 80

7 Things: Ukraine publicly seeking talks with Putin, Shelby ready to put millions into Britt's campaign and more …

Trump endorsement talk could change the U.S. Senate race, gas and grocery taxes appear locked in, and more on Alabama Politics This Week …

Watch: American liberals are fine with the world's worst polluters and human rights deniers supplying our oil as long as we don't drill

7 Things: Russia’s war in Ukraine rolls on, Brooks highlights his efforts to fight for 2020 election integrity and more …

Watch: The current situation in Europe is hardly the giant success Biden can hang his hat on that the media want it to be

7 Things: Zelensky asks for more from U.S., Trump talks endorsement while Britt hit on lobbying for gas prices and more …

Watch: The lies about gas prices will continue until the media decides the make the liars pay a price

7 Things: Mike Rogers skeptical of Russia peace talks, renewed effort to remove the grocery tax and more …

Watch: America’s latest education controversy will lead to similar bills all over the country, and we should welcome it in Alabama

7 Things: New poll in Alabama's U.S. Senate race, Ukraine seems closer to resolution with Russia every day and more …

7 Things: Gas prices continue to spike, billions in defense spending will be spent in Alabama and more …

Watch: Alabama gas tax holiday seems unlikely, Mo Brooks beats Eric Swalwell in suit over speech at the U.S. Capitol and more on Alabama Politics This Week …

Watch: Yes, the media and their Democrats are going to blame everything happening in the U.S. on Putin

7 Things: Alabama hurt the most with gas increases, Tuberville warns Biden's embarrassing weakness endangers America and more …

Watch: Putin is a bad guy, but these high gas prices are a result of Biden’s terrible energy policies

7 Things: White House continues to blame Putin for its energy policy failure, Mo Brooks dismissed from Eric Swalwell's weak case and more …

7 Things: Biden says no more Russian oil while Alabama's congressmen push to drill off-shore, gas tax holiday movement and more …

7 Things: A ban on Russian oil would drive up gas prices as war continues, Alabama drivers are paying 106% more since 2020 for fuel and more …