Analysis — Page 143

7 Things: Trump campaigns, Roseanne fails big-time, Alabama's Republican Party stares down a big problem, and more …

7 Things: A flurry of false immigration stories, attack ads hit Alabama, North Korea meeting may happen in June, and more

7 Things: Trump says no NOKO summit, Gubernatorial race job arguments, 45 state lawmakers endorse Ivey, and more

7 Things: Kushner security clearance HUGE news, paper targets Alabama immigration law, Trump wants to withhold aid from countries who send 'animals,' and more …

7 Things: Alabama sues over illegals, Trump thinks N. Korean summit may not happen, Ainsworth has strong words for Gov. Ivey, and more

7 Things: Deputy AG agrees with Trump on investigating abuses, Alabama black Democrats may push Walt Maddox over the top, mistaken identity could create chaos in Public Service Commission race, and more …

7 Things: School shooting and irrelevant arguments, Rep. Ainsworth calls for a special session on arming teachers, Alabama set to lose big to Mississippi, and more

VIDEO: A lawmaker tries to "out" the Governor — Alabama could benefit from sports gambling — Scott Dawson no-shows his appearance … and more on Guerrilla Politics!

7 Things: Trump Tower spied on, Burgess believes Dawson is both naive and brilliant, former State Rep. Patricia Todd has lost her job, and more …

7 Things: Trump will not be indicted, Rep. Patricia Todd faces blowback for her reckless claims, Mayor Tommy Battle tries to stay above the fray, and more …

400 teacher aides to see 25% paycuts as Huntsville City Schools readies to trade a local company for a troubled out-of-state company