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Byrne calls for investigation into Biden’s China ties, questions Jones

Congressman Bradley Byrne (AL-01) believes that former Vice President Joe Biden’s potential ties to China should be officially investigated “because there could be some very important national security implications” involved.

In a Sunday evening interview with Fox News Channel’s “The Next Revolution with Steve Hilton,” Byrne was first asked by the host whether “Joe Biden’s China ties [should] be investigated.”

The Republican congressman and U.S. Senate candidate responded, “Absolutely.”

This came after Biden recently downplayed the threat to the United States posed by China. Additionally, it was revealed that Hunter Biden, the former vice president’s son, through his Chinese investment company Bohai Harvest RST, which obtains its financing from a subsidiary of the Communist government-owned Bank of China, is part of an investment pool that has made several rounds of large investments in a range of Chinese companies.

“When somebody makes a comment like that who spent decades in the United States Senate, eight years as the vice-president of the United States, we had these stories out about the ties with his son, business ties,” Byrne told the FOX News host. “Someone needs to start asking the question, what’s really going on here?”

He said that President Donald Trump’s family and campaign were investigated for much less in regards to Russia, and that Biden should be held to the same scrutiny.

Byrne said the House was unlikely to act with Democrats in control, but urged the Department of Justice and the U.S. Senate to launch official probes.

Asked if there was “a criminal component” involved with Biden and China, Byrne said, “There might be here. Now, I’m not saying there is, because we don’t know the full facts. But that’s why you have an investigation to get the full facts, and the facts we know of are very troubling.”

Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL) has announced his support of Biden’s presidential bid.

Byrne questioned if Jones agreed with Biden on China and how the nation impacts the United States’ economy and security.

“Do you really believe China’s not a threat to the United States? Do you think everything about these ties between the vice-president’s son and China are OK? Don’t you think we ought to ask some important questions like we spent all this time and money doing with President Trump? I’d like to hear what he has to say about that,” Byrne said of Jones.

Transcript as follows, courtesy of Fox News:

STEVE HILTON: Here tonight to discuss, Alabama Congressman and U.S. Senate candidate for Alabama Bradley Byrne. Congressman, so great that you could join us. I really appreciate it. Just let’s get started with one basic question that I hope most people would agree in which shouldn’t, at the very least, Joe Biden’s China ties be investigated.

BYRNE: Absolutely. When somebody makes a comment like that who spent decades in the United States Senate, eight years as the vice-president of the United States, we had these stories out about the ties with his son, business ties. Someone needs to start asking the question, what’s really going on here? Now, they took something that was like one tenth of this, maybe not even that much and spent two years investigating the president of the United States and found nothing to it. Well can’t we take this much and do something with it and have a real investigation? I think we should. I hope we do.

HILTON: And so, how would that — just talk us through the mechanics of that? How could that happen — I mean you’re in the House, hoping to be in the Senate. What kind of prospect do you think there could be for getting something going? How could we — especially everyone watching at home who’s so fired up about what we revealed last week? They want to get involved. They want to try and see justice done here, at least some accountability. What can they do? What can we put pressure on Congress to do?

BYRNE: Well I think everyone should call their Congressman. Everyone should call their Senator and say, we now have these facts. We now have this unbelievable statement by the former vice-president of the United States who wants to be president. You spent all this time and all this money on this foolish investigation of the president. Here’s a real problem right here. We want to see an investigation and I hope the FBI and Justice Department will look into it as well because there could be some very important national security implications here.

HILTON: And to — when you bring up the FBI, do you think there could be a criminal component?

BYRNE: There might be here. Now, I’m not saying there is because we don’t know the full facts. But that’s why you have an investigation to get the full facts and the facts we know of are very troubling. For the vice-president’s son to travel on that United States jet with him to China and then shortly after that this big business deal just plops out. Come on, people have a reason to ask questions. What really happened there? You know, this is the swamp. This is why people hate things in Washington because they think there’s one set of rules for the elite in Washington and another set of rules for all the rest of us.

What my home state Senator Doug Jones has actually already endorsed Joe Biden and I have some questions for him. Do you really believe China’s not a threat to the United States? Do you think everything about these ties between the vice-president’s son and China are OK? Don’t you think we ought to ask some important questions like we spent all this time and money doing with President Trump? I’d like to hear what he has to say about that.

HILTON: Well that’s great to hear. By the way, earlier I thought you were going to do the (inaudible) “come on man”. I thought you — we were going to get that but probably just as well we didn’t. Just before I let you go I’ve got someone here who wants to say hi. I think someone you might know.

JASON CHAFFETZ: Congressman, hey Jason Chaffetz here. I had the honor and pleasure of serving with you in — in — in the Congress and there are a lot of investigative components right? You have the inspectors general. You have Congress itself. But what specifically do you think should happen in this case?

BYRNE: Well, there’re two things I want to see happen Jason. It’s good to see you and talk with you. Now first and foremost, I think the Congress itself needs to investigate the totality of the circumstances. Now you and I both know with the Democrats in charge of the House, that’s not going to happen in the House but I think the Senate could do it and I hope the Senate will consider that. But secondly, we do need to have a law enforcement investigation now that we have some more facts out there to say is there quid pro quo here. Because if there is a quid pro quo, I think there is likely to be a crime committed here and we need to get to the bottom of it.

HILTON: Congressman Byrne, thank you so much for being so clear about it. I really, really appreciate that. We’ll stay in touch on this and good luck. Hope to see you soon.


Sean Ross is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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