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Auburn fan’s epic wedding cake recreates Tigers’ Iron Bowl ‘kick six’

One Alabama bakery has created a groom’s cake that will go down in history as one of the all-time greats, just like the scene it almost perfectly recreates.

Cobalt Confections delivered the cake over the weekend to newly-married Billy Gilley of Chelsea, Ala.

The cake is an incredible recreation of Auburn’s Jordan-Hare Stadium in the moments before Chris Davis’ (in)famous 109-yard missed field goal return against rival Alabama in last year’s Iron Bowl.

Auburn Cake 1

Auburn Cake 2

Auburn Cake 3

Auburn Cake 4

And if you wondered even for a moment what happened to the cake…

If you’re interested in checking out more pictures, head over to Cobalt Confections’ Facebook page.

Oh, and as for the couple, everything looks like it worked out just fine.

Billy Gilley

Follow Cliff on Twitter @Cliff_Sims

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