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7 Things: Trump targets Jones, Jones says your opinion is irrelevant, Tuberville goes after Sharia Law and more …

7. Don’t smoke in the car with your kids

  • A bill proposed by State Representative Rolanda Hollis (D-Birmingham) would cause drivers to be fined $100 if they smoke in a car with a child younger than 14 years old.
  • A bill that would ban smoking in cars with children was proposed last year but didn’t pass. Hollis has said that about a dozen other states have similar laws.

6. Biden calls a voter a “lying dog-faced pony soldier”

  • Former Vice President Joe Biden continues to have one of the more interesting presidential campaign collapses because he keeps insulting voters and lashing out at reporters who dare question him.
  • At an event in New Hampshire, a woman asked Biden how he can win if he is doing so poorly. Biden asked if she had “ever been to a caucus” and when she said yes, Biden responded, “No, you haven’t. You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier.” 

5. Buttigieg: Decriminalize all drugs

  • Former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg has said that he wants all drug possession to be decriminalized, not legalized. He doesn’t want people to be incarcerated for possessing any drugs, even meth or heroin.
  • On Fox News Channel, Chris Wallace asked Buttigieg if possession of drugs currently being illegal acts as a deterrent, but instead of answering the question, Buttigieg simply stated that the focus needs to be on distribution and that “criminalizing addiction doesn’t work.”

4. Trump’s targets items driving debt and defiicit

  • The $4.8 trillion budget proposal has been unveiled by the White House, and within the budget, there would be $2 billion for the border wall and increased funding for the Department of Veteran Affairs, the Department of Homeland Security and NASA.
  • While there is increased funding for some, other areas are seeing big cuts in funding. Foreign aid would be reduced by 21%, the Environmental Protection Agency would lose 26% of funding and the Department of Housing and Urban Development would be cut by 15%.

3. Tuberville going after Sharia Law

  • On the heels of a baseless attack by Paul Finebaum, without being specific, former Auburn football coach Tommy Tuberville spoke at the Mid-Alabama Republican Club where he made a point to warn people that “Sharia Law has taken over” and that he’s been to areas where “you can’t drive through a neighborhood. …Because terrorism has taken over.”
  • Tuberville added that “it’s over” if they “get their hands on the Constitution one day” because “They want to get it for one reason: that Electoral College. If they ever knock that out we’re done, we’re done.”

2. Jones and Biden don’t seem to care about voters

  • Channeling his hero Joe Biden, U.S. Senator Doug Jones (D-AL) continues to be asked about his decision to vote to convict President Donald Trump on both articles of impeachment in the U.S. Senate. Recently, Jones was asked about how he voted against the position a majority of constituents in Alabama hold, and he doesn’t seem to want to represent them in Washington, D.C.
  • Jones defended his decision by saying, “The Constitution doesn’t require a poll in which to vote.” He added that he doesn’t make his decisions on polling, stating, “You can’t get 100% on anything.”

1. Trump isn’t going to let people forget about Jones

  • The big star of the impeachment vote would have been U.S. Senator Doug Jones (D-AL) had U.S. Mitt Romney (R-UT) not bucked his party, but President Donald Trump is confident and outspoken that Jones will not be reelected because he voted to convict during the Senate impeachment trial.
  • In a tweet, Trump described Jones as “that lightweight Senator,” and that he “thought his boss, Cryin’ Chuck, would have forced him to vote against the Hoax.” He then called Jones “A Do Nothing Stiff!”

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