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7 Things: Trump says Sessions should end the probe, gun control protesters protest an empty State House, Mississippi started taking Alabama’s sports gambling money today, and more …

7. Those Russian Facebook trolls banned yesterday led to the three anti-Trump protests.

— 32 different Russian-controlled Facebook pages were removed from Facebook, leaving their hundreds of thousand fans to find information elsewhere.

— The “Resisters” group hosted three different events. All were anti-Trump, which leads one to believe the Russians just want chaos.

6. Democrat candidate for attorney general in New York wants to use her office to “prosecute ICE”

— Fordham Law professor Zephyr Teachout released a video calling the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency “a tool of cruelty, unconstitutional behavior, illegality”.

— This is, of course, absurd because both the Supreme Court and Congress have said states cannot prosecute federal agents for carrying out their official duties.

5. More tears streamed down the cheeks of journalists. They then started fact-checking needing an ID to shop

— After Trump said mean things about liberal journalists, MSNBC’s Chuck Todd warned about “journalists being mowed down.” Washington Post’s Greg Sargent said the president is leading a “hate movement.”

— To further prove they weren’t fake news, media outlets seized on the president’s loose but obvious, language how “[y]ou need ID” to shop to say he was lying about grocery shopping.

4. The hypothetical match-up between former Vice President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump already has polling

— The midterms still haven’t happened has a seven-point gap in favor of Biden. Biden has 44 percent to Trump’s 37.

— This small gap is pretty stunning given all the negative coverage of the current president and shows the weakness of Biden and the Democrat Party. More Democrats (89 percent) would vote for a generic Democrat candidate than would vote for Biden (80 percent).

3. Mississippi sports gambling is here, and Alabama is about to feed them a lot of money

— The first bets are currently being placed in Mississippi and many expect millions dollars to be spent this football season from Alabama. The city of Mobile is only 90 minutes from Biloxi.

— This issue has been almost non-existent in the current election cycle in Alabama, and there doesn’t seem to be much pressure to move towards legalized sports gambling.

2. Anti-gun protesters hit the capital while the legislature is out of session, complain that legislators who aren’t even in town won’t meet with them

— Marjory Stoneman Douglas survivors and local gun control activists showed up at a legislature that is not operating to protest people that aren’t there. Don’t worry, the media was there.

— The chants of the activists included, “Hey hey, ho ho, the NRA has got to go” as they hand-delivered letters to one legislator’s empty office. They also complained about legislators that they never spoke to.

1. President Donald Trump wants Sessions to end the Mueller probe. The White House says it is just an opinion

— Trump took his biggest swing about the probe yet by tweeting, “This is a terrible situation and Attorney General Jeff Sessions should stop this Rigged Witch Hunt right now, before it continues to stain our country any further.”

— This all seems unlikely and this nonsense is wrecking the legacy of one of Alabama’s finest public servants. Only 18 percent view Sessions “very” or “somewhat” favorably.

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