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7 Things: Sanctions on Saudi Arabia could be painful for all, President Trump grants Governor Ivey’s disaster request, and more …

7. NBC News, and plenty of other outlets, told a lie this weekend about President Donald Trump, President Ulysses S. Grant and General Robert E. Lee,  and they took two days to correct it.

— President Trump was at a rally in Ohio telling a story about Ohio-born then-General Grant beating Robert E. Lee. When Trump talked about Lee he said he was a great general and most outlets decided this was Trump praising the Confederate cause.

— The NBC News’ retraction via Tweet was long after the story spread, “CORRECTION: An earlier tweet misidentified the general President Trump described as ‘incredible’ at a rally in Ohio. It was Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, not Gen. Robert E. Lee.”

6. Still too early to poll 2020, yet we are still going to do it.

— Democrats are already thinking about 2020. The leaders before the race even starts are former Vice President Joe Biden with 33 percent and Sen. Bernie Sanders with 13 percent. Senators Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren are next, with 9 percent and 8 percent, respectively.

— In 2014, Trump wasn’t even in the running for Republicans, Mitt Romney was in the lead with 20 percent, while Hillary Clinton was polling at 65 percent.

5. Hillary Clinton LOVES the sound of her own voice.

— On CBS Sunday Morning, Hillary Clinton denied her husband’s affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky was an abuse of power, and that President Bill Clinton was right not to resign during the scandal, where he committed perjury.

— The comments were a reaction to Leslie Stahl asking Clinton what the difference was between her husband’s allegations and Brett Kavanaugh’s. Clinton chose to focus on the least serious of her husband’s many sexual misconduct issues.

4. Imprisoned pastor released in Turkey, Alabama Congressman Robert Aderholt praises the decision.

— On Friday, after months of sanctions on the country, Pastor Andrew Brunson’s was released from a prison in Turkey after almost two years in confinement, accused of associating with a group that tried to carry out a coup.

— Congressman Aderholt’s statement read, ““I’m so thankful for the release of American Pastor Andrew Brunson from prison in Turkey.  He was detained simply for practicing his Christian faith. I’m also thankful that President Trump and his administration took unprecedented action to work for Brunson’s release.  The President made his release a top priority from the moment he took office.  And of course, above all else, I am thankful to God for Dr. Brunson’s release, health and safety.””

3. Everybody wants prisoners released until they start releasing prisoners.

— Gov. Kay Ivey and Attorney General Steve Marshall are planning to meet with the Alabama Board of Pardons and Paroles after learning that violent offenders are being released too early; the board says there is no evidence to that assertion.

— The early releases were brought to Ivey and Marshall’s attention by Montgomery County District Attorney Daryl Bailey who wrote, “The current Board has repeatedly and consistently released violent offenders after they have served only a minute portion of lengthy sentences.”

2. President Trump approves Governor Kay Ivey’s request for a disaster declaration.

— President Donald Trump approved Governor Ivey’s Emergency Disaster Declaration and Ivey thanked him in a press release saying, “This assistance will help us recover some of the cost of response and recovery efforts conducted by the state and local governments. This will be a huge benefit to the smaller communities in Alabama that have been affected.”

— The Alabama Farmers Federation has set up a fund to help farmers hurt by the storm, and you can donate to farmers who lost their crops and barn by going to alabamafarmersfoundation.org.

1. Saudi Arabia threatens that any sanctions against their kingdom will be met with retaliatory measures.

— The fallout from the disappearance and suspected murder of a Washington Post contributor by the Saudi Arabian government continues and President Trump is now promising “severe punishment” if the royal court was responsible.

— American leaders are calling for action, and if action is taken, there is a good chance the retaliation will be in the form of higher oil prices which will impact every aspect of the world’s economy.

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