7 Things: Jones kicks off reelection campaign, more investigation into Trump by Democrats, Afghanistan/Taliban peace deal seems unlikely and more …

7. Ivanka Trump coming to Alabama

  • On Tuesday, Ivanka Trump will make an announcement at the Alabama Robotics Technology Park in Tanner about the workforce development and apprenticeship opportunities in Alabama.
  • Ivanka Trump is planning on meeting students in the apprenticeship program and touring the park. She said that the Trump administration “is committed to ensuring inclusive growth and opportunity in our booming economy by creating pathways for all Americans, regardless of age or background, to acquire the skills needed to secure and retain high paying jobs.”

6. Vaping is causing a school to take the doors off the bathroom stalls

  • The administrators at a school in Lauderdale County have decided the best way to attack kids taking a vaping break during school hours is to make them use the restroom without doors, exposing their misdeeds and bathroom habits to the world.
  • This is a response to a student who allegedly passed out after vaping in the bathroom and some parents are now calling for bathroom monitors to watch the children while they do their business.

5. Media continue to attack over Trump warning Alabama could be hit by Hurricane Dorian

  • There was yet another week of silly bickering by the national press and the president of the United States, but this time it was over the path of a hurricane, which was projected to impact Alabama according to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Alabama National Guard.
  • As the back and forth continued, the media spoke in absolute terms and cited the Birmingham Weather Service as proof. NOAA released a statement over the weekend disputing that certainty which read, “The Birmingham National Weather Service’s Sunday morning tweet spoke in absolute terms that were inconsistent with probabilities from the best forecast products available at the time.”

4. Unemployment rate stays at 3.7%

  • Despite ongoing trade wars, the media and their Democrats’ attempts to talk down the economy may not be working as well as they want yet as 130,000 jobs were created last month and wages growth continued.
  • These numbers are not great, by any means, but the economy is still strong with near 50-year-low unemployment numbers and growing. But there are signs that growth is slowing and that could mean retraction may be coming soon.

3. No peace with the Taliban

  • After the Taliban took claim for the bombing in Kabul last week that killed a U.S. soldier, peace talks between the U.S., Afghanistan and the Taliban were canceled. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that this shows the Taliban can’t be trusted at this time.
  • Pompeo also said that the Taliban was using “terror to improve their negotiating position.” President Donald Trump announced the secret meeting after it was canceled; he doesn’t believe that the Taliban has the “power to negotiate a meaningful agreement” if they can’t agree to a ceasefire.

2. Democrats try something new and original — investigating Trump

  • In more recent efforts to investigate impeaching President Donald Trump, the House Judiciary Committee stumbled over themselves and now Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) is attempting to define when impeachment proceedings actually began.
  • U.S. Representative Doug Collins (R-GA) claimed that the committee was investigating outside of the boundaries allowed by House rules. He said on Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures” that everything the Democrats have done this year “is simply a show, a travesty, and frankly they should be ashamed,” as well as pointing out that if they really want to start impeachment proceedings, they just have to bring it to the House floor.

1. Jones starts his 2020 campaign as Republicans hit him on socialism

  • U.S. Senator Doug Jones’ (D-AL) used his campaign kickoff to talk about gun control, abortion rights and non-existent voter suppression issues in Alabama. He even brought up Governor Kay Ivey’s blackface scandal to highlight how little his supporters think of the state, arguing, “It is a painful admission that in the eyes of the nation, folks just don’t believe we’ve come very far.”
  • A National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) billboard outside his event reminded Jones, and voters, not to forget that for all his talk of moderation, he has previously said that he would support the Democratic nominee no matter who it is, and declared himself an anti-Trump Democrat. The NRSC added that Jones continues to put “the interests of the most liberal and socialist members of his party ahead of his constituents.”