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7 Things: Biden colludes with Saudis, Huntsville goes woke, and more …

7. A big story about an obese murderer is going national because of its weight

  • Being 351 pounds and morbidly obese is apparently the only thing keeping a convicted workplace shooter and killer of three alive. The national media, much like the local media, finds Alan Eugene Miller’s case to be a big, fat, juicy story. They find him sympathetic because almost being executed hurt him very much when they “poked him with needles for over an hour” in his meaty hands, stout legs and chubby arms. They even used a cellphone light to help them. The. Horror.
  • His attorney blubbers that Miller is the “only living execution survivor in the United States,” which also makes him the fattest. The lawyer wants the execution called off to avoid “the unnecessary and wanton infliction of pain that the Eighth Amendment was intended to prohibit.” The heavy reports of his almost-execution sound pretty bad and no one would want their corpulent self to be put to death this way for killing three of their coworkers.

6. Gov. Kay Ivey remains wildly popular

  • The Yellowhammer State’s chief executive is apparently very popular, in a new poll Gov. Kay Ivey is now the most popular governor in the Southeast and the 7th most popular governor overall in the country.
  • The Morning Consult poll shows Ivey with a 60% approval rating among all Alabamians as she effortlessly heads towards her re-election. What makes this even more impressive is she holds that 60% approval rating after receiving “only” 55% in a primary against multiple candidates.

5. Alabama’s foster care system may be discriminating against disabled kids

  • A troubling report from the Department of Justice reports that disabled children in the Alabama foster care system are being mistreated. The allegation that spurred the investigation claimed that emotionally or physically disabled children were assigned to psychiatric residential treatment facilities and the on-site school whether they needed to be or not.
  • Some of the students reviewed had no need for around-the-clock monitoring and no history of behavioral problems. But they were assigned to a facility that would be considered inferior and unnecessary. The DOJ report wants the state to make immediate changes to both its requirements for the treatment facilities and create qualification requirements.

4. Huntsville teacher is a drag queen is being raunchy around kids

  • A Mountain Gap Middle School teacher, who is also a drag queen, has been spotlighted by the Twitter account “Libs of TikTok” for appearing to make sexually suggestive comments to a group of children in “Drag Queen Story Hour” at an animal shelter. Who would take a kid to this?
  • James Miller, as Majesty Devine, told the children, “everybody likes a big bone,” every man has “meat on their mind,” and even asked “We’re not still live, are we?” after making the comments. Huntsville City Schools was notified of this on Oct. 7 and has yet to respond. This particular drag queen was supportive of Andrea Alvarez and her winning campaign for the Huntsville Board of Education, a win that will shift the board to the left.

3. Huntsville City Council is behaving very strangely

  • Abortions are illegal in Alabama, therefore no one will be performing them without breaking the law bu,t for some reason, the Huntsville City Council feels like it needs to make a performative statement that they should not be investigated if abortions are occurring.
  • In the past few years, members of the city council have attempted to make illegal immigration and marijuana more acceptable as well. Is this how people will define a successful city in the future or is Huntsville headed toward a different future?

2. Jan. 6 Commission finds collus… just kidding, Biden tried to collude with Saudis

  • The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is an ally in the same sense that the guy that provides Hunter Biden with crack and whores is his ally – we have a relationship based on money and addiction. Our addiction is oil and when the Saudi Kingdom said they were dialing back our supply, the Biden administration begged them to wait until after the election.
  • All of the Democrats’ tough talk on Saudi Arabia, talk of pulling soldiers or refusing to sell the arms, are the result of President Joe Biden’s attempts to get Saudi Arabia to talk OPEC+ into helping with his re-election. The Saudis have exposed this, “The government of the kingdom clarified through its continuous consultation with the U.S. administration that all economic analyses indicate that postponing the OPEC+ decision for a month, according to what has been suggested, would have had negative economic consequences.” This is an attempt at actual collusion.

1. Tuberville is showing up in campaign ads around the country

  • As Democrats look down the barrel at what could be a pretty bad election night, the cries of “racism” get louder and more shrill. An organization started by a sex pest, The Lincoln Project, has now taken the controversy around U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Auburn) and used it in election ads.
  • With the subtly of a jackhammer, and the historical knowledge of one as well, The Lincoln Project tweeted that “Tommy Tuberville would not have been out of place in 1930s Germany. Rabid racism is a core element of the MAGA GOP.” These attacks on Tuberville are absurdly offensive, false and deserve a response from Tuberville, but he hasn’t spoken since his comments made news.

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