Yellow Hammer’s Cliff Sims is on a ten-day educational, cultural, and political trip to Israel. Read Cliff’s explanation of the trip here & see today’s schedule below.
DAY 7: Monday, January 9, 2012
Gaza: Today we will gain a comprehensive understanding of the reality on the ground in Southern Israel following the withdrawal from Gaza. Our tour will include:
– A meeting with the national police and visit to the local headquarters
– A visit to the Sderot Indoor Recreation Center built by the American led Jewish Nation Fund
– A tour of the town of Sderot and an overlook of Gaza
– A discussion with residents of Nitzan who were evacuated from Gaza at the time of the disengagement
Meeting with Student Leaders at Sapir College
Nahal Be’er Sheva Tour: Nashal Be’er Sheva is a restoration project that also includes sport and recreation facilities. This project has already made a positive change in the quality of life of the residents of Israel’s fourth largest city.
Meeting with the Director of Shavuat Ha’adamah (Earth’s Promise): Earth’s Primise works with economically-disadvantaged Ethiopians in Be’er Sheva. After building urban community farms, they distribute parcels of land to Ethiopian families to farm using traditional methods and crops. This urban farming is a twenty-first century version of Ben Gurion’s dream to settle the desert, as well as a way to restore self-pride and improve quality of life.
Meeting and Dinner with Kher Albaz: Albaz is a prominent leader in Israel’s Bedouin community.
Overnight in Negev Desert