MILLENNIALS RISING — New Yellowhammer talk radio show: Kyle Morris ‘The Conservative Savage’ premieres Saturday


Yellowhammer Radio Presents: Kyle Morris “The Conservative Savage” is a new political talk radio show featuring a millennial host that premieres Saturday on 101.1 WYDE in Birmingham and Huntsville.  

The show is the latest in Yellowhammer Multimedia’s expansions in news, film, TV and radio programs and will air every Saturday from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m.

“So many people see millennials as a bunch of cry-babies, or sore losers, or perhaps even socialists,” said Kyle Morris, the show’s host, in an interview. “It’s going to be a show from a millennial standpoint, but also something that the older generation can connect with. … I hope to bring a new light to the millennials, and to conservatism as a whole.”

Morris, a student at the University of Alabama and Yellowhammer News contributor, has gained a lot of attention on social media for his conservative take on politics, with more than 60,000 people following him on Twitter, which is where Yellowhammer CEO B.J. Ellis first noticed his tweets and recognized his potential.

“The first time I talked to Kyle, I realized this kid’s special,” said Ellis. “I believe that before long he will be one of the thought leaders in the conservative movement and I’m just fired up about him and believe in him. There’s no doubt in my mind that he’s going to be a really big deal and I’m looking forward to growing together with him.”

Morris, 21, intends to challenge the common perception of young people, progressivism, as well as certain not-so-good trends that he sees occurring within conservatism.

“We can’t have these people who are always-Trumpers. They say never-Trumpers, but there’s also always-Trumpers. And those people get under my skin just as bad as the never-Trumpers do.”

Overall, Morris says the show is about engaging others.

“I’m going to have guests on that are left-leaning because I want to have those conversations.”

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