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Watch: AL-02 candidate Jessica Taylor takes flamethrower to ‘articles of impeachment’ — ‘Nancy Pelosi, you’re fired’

Alabama Second Congressional District candidate Jessica Taylor has gone viral for the second time this campaign cycle.

The Republican contender and Prattville businesswoman released a video Wednesday evening following the acquittal of President Donald Trump on both articles of impeachment.

In the video, Taylor uses a flamethrower featuring a “Trump” campaign logo to burn a mock display of the impeachment articles to the ground.

“I’m Jessica Taylor — a pro-life, conservative mom running for Congress to turn up the heat,” she says to open the ad, before turning on the flamethrower,  “on ‘The Socialist Squad,’ build the wall, protect the Second Amendment and stand with President Trump.”

“Because this sham impeachment is an attack on us all,” Taylor continues, burning the display to a crisp.

“In Congress, I won’t just drain the swamp, I’ll burn it down,” she quips.

“And Nancy Pelosi, you’re fired,” Taylor adds, shooting one short, final spurt of flames into the air.

RELATED: Trump acquitted on both impeachment charges; Jones votes to remove, Shelby acquits

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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