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Walt Maddox goes back to the debate issue again, still doesn’t answer questions

Here we go again, Democrat candidate for governor Walt Maddox still wants to talk about not having a debate with Governor Kay Ivey. His stenographers in the media love it and his campaign manager loves it, but there is no evidence anyone else cares.

Maddox has decided to take this issue to Twitter and suggest that he isn’t scared to debate the issues Governor Ivey has raised in her responses to him: Guns, abortion and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

He even went with the empty podium shtick.

The problem with this tired game and ad is that Maddox does not actually answer the questions at hand.

Even though he starts by saying, “I have been clear and consistent on these positions,” he has not.

Abortion: He is a pro-life Democrat, but his previous statements on this lay out what this really means. “Republicans are more pro-birth than pro-life,” “Although I am personally opposed to abortion, under the law of the land a woman has a right to choose up until the point of fetal viability” and “The courts will ultimately decide.”

All these statements mean the same thing — that he is a Democrat in the South and does not want to make either side mad.

Gun control: He says he is pro-Second Amendment, and then proceeds to tick off all the gun control measures he supports in his ad.

Ignore the fact that he was endorsed by Michael Blooomberg’s gun control group “Mom’s Demand Action.”

U.S. Supreme Court: Let Senators Shelby and Doug Jones do their jobs, he says in the ad — still no position.

This is just more bad decision making by the Maddox campaign, harping on a non-issue and then proving his opponent right by being wishy-washy on guns and Brett Kavanaugh.

The only thing this ad shows us is that Maddox should stick to debating empty podiums until he can finish the debate he is losing to himself.

@TheDaleJackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a conservative talk show from 7-11 am weekdays on WVNN

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