Radio talk show host Dale Jackson and Alabama Democratic Executive Committee member Lisa Handback take you through Alabama’s biggest political stories, including:
— Was President Donald Trump wrong for downplaying the coronavirus pandemic publicly, or was he trying to keep people calm?
— Does the lower number of new coronavirus cases in Alabama mean that the state has a handle on the issue?
— Do national Democrats and U.S. Senator Doug Jones (D-AL) run the risk of turning off voters with their dismissive language towards voters like former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did in 2016?
Jackson and Handback are joined by the Commissioner of the Alabama Department of Corrections Jeff Dunn to discuss recent plans to build three new prisons, the impact of sentencing reform and more.
Jackson closes the show with a “parting shot” aimed at those who claim voting is hard to do because of “voter suppression” by explaining how he voted in-person in Alabama over 50 days before the general election so you can, too.
Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 7-11 AM weekdays on WVNN.