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Video Showcases Downtown Montgomery

Bearded Man Film Company New South Downtown Montgomery Yellowhammer Politics

Joshua Pittman of The Bearded Man Film Company has put together a killer video titled “New South, Downtown Montgomery.”

“The city asked me to shoot a video to highlight all the development downtown,” Pittman explains on the video’s Vimeo page. “It took over 3 months to shoot. Many a weekend I walked through downtown with my Canon trying to get the perfect shot. I think more than anything this video shows that Montgomery is alive. Gone are the days when people can legitimately say ‘There’s nothing to do downtown.'”

Downtown Montgomery has come a long way over the past few years and the city made a good decision in tapping Pittman to showcase the revitalization effort. Well done.

New South, Downtown Montgomery. from The Bearded Man Film Co. on Vimeo.

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