Radio talk show host Dale Jackson and Alabama Democratic Executive Committee member Lisa Handback take you through this week’s biggest political stories, including:
— Will Governor Kay Ivey put forth a statewide mandatory mask ordinance, or will we be looking at a large number of cities and counties implementing them?
— How many Alabamians will send their kids to schools, and how many will be keeping them home in the fall of 2020?
— Why isn’t President Donald Trump coming to campaign for former Auburn football coach Tommy Tuberville, and what does it mean for the July 14 runoff?
Jackson and Handback are joined State Representative Neil Rafferty to discuss the rising coronavirus pandemic, Confederate Memorial Park compromises and a potential special session of the Alabama legislature.
Jackson closes the show with a “parting shot” at people who refuse to wear masks, even though President Donald Trump has made it clear that there are times when it is appropriate for everyone to wear them.
Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 7-11 AM weekdays on WVNN.