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‘USA’ chants drown out pro-Palestinian protesters at the University of Alabama

Protests on college campuses surrounding the Israel-Palestine conflict in the Middle East have been raging across the nation, as things grow dire at schools in New York, California, and other blue states.

Pro-Palestine protesters organized at the University of Alabama on Wednesday — but so did an even larger contingent of students who weren’t having it:

Both sides of the protest began chanting in opposition to Joe Biden with a strong statement. WARNING: GRAPHIC LANGUAGE

In the video, a loud “F*** Joe Biden” chant can be heard coming from the pro-Israel side, which appears to be larger, followed by a camera panning to the Palestine side where students can be heard echoing the same sentiment.

While both sides clearly have strong disagreements, both sides also have disdain for the president.

In a reply posted to the original tweet from Clay Travis, a father posted a video that he claims his son sent him of the protest.

Mask-wearing to conceal identity has been popular for the pro-Palestine protests across the nation, and the larger Israel side is chanting at the Palestine side to take their masks off.

Unlike other campuses across the nation, the protests appeared to end with no violence or vandalism. The University of Alabama released the following statement on Wednesday evening:

“Protests were held on campus today by groups with opposing viewpoints. The University appreciates that attendees peacefully exercised their free speech rights with no disruptions, violence, vandalism or arrests. University staff and UAPD were on-site and shared expectations for a responsible, peaceful event along with clear guidance consistent with the law and University policy. All protests must comply with applicable University policies to ensure safety and security on campus and to maintain orderly operations. The University maintains the authority to promptly address any violations. Enhanced security and other resources have been made available to students and groups who have expressed concern, and those resources remain available.”

As the situation continues to escalate across the nation, political expression appears to remain free at the University of Alabama and their students are using that right peacefully. 

On Wednesday, U.S. Senator Katie Britt, a University of Alabama alumnus, said in a statement that she’s never been prouder to say ‘Roll Tide’.

Michael Brauner is a Senior Sports Analyst and Contributing Writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @MBraunerWNSP

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