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Tuberville launches radio ad: ‘God sent us Donald Trump’

Former Auburn University head football coach Tommy Tuberville, a 2020 Republican U.S. Senate candidate in Alabama, on Monday unveiled his campaign’s first statewide radio ad.

The ad is currently airing on stations across Alabama. In the ad, Tuberville reaffirms his staunch support of President Donald J. Trump and reiterates that he believes “God sent us Donald Trump.”

In a statement about the ad, Tuberville remarked, “Speaking directly to the voters about the issues that motivate us is the core of our strategy, and the media campaign we kick off today will help us accomplish that goal.”

“It is time for our state to send a political outsider to the U.S. Senate so we can stand with President Trump and give Washington, D.C. a good dose of our conservative Alabama values,” he concluded.

The radio ad also underlines Tuberville’s commitment to fight against career politicians and highlights some of the deeply-held conservative principles that guide both his life and his Senate campaign.

A narrator begins by saying, “Two-time SEC Coach of the Year. Christian family man. Conservative outsider ready to take on politically-correct liberal politicians. Tommy Tuberville is the Trump conservative.”

Tuberville comes in with, “I’m not a career politician. I’m really a politician’s worst nightmare. I’ve coached for the last 30 to 40 years. I’ve been around young people, and I believe if we don’t get God back in our schools, this country has got no chance of surviving. I’m a Christian conservative Republican. I believe in the sanctity of life, and I say it with all of my heart ‘God sent us Donald Trump’ because God knew we were in trouble.”

“A man of faith,” the announcer adds. “A Republican with strong moral values. Tommy Tuberville is the Trump conservative.”

Tuberville concludes, “I’m going to stand with President Donald Trump on building the wall and cracking down on illegal immigration. A vote for me is a vote for Donald Trump. I’m not looking for a career. I’m looking to help save this country with Donald J. Trump. I’m Tommy Tuberville, and I approve this message.”


RELATED: Tuberville: ‘Trump has done more for the rights of the unborn than any other President’

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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