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Trump administration staffer from Alabama takes break from ‘fancy office in DC’ to become a Marine

One Yellowhammer State native and alumnus of the University of Alabama has set an amazing example of patriotism for his fellow Americans this Independence Day.

Jalen Drummond, who was born and raised in Randolph County and previously interned for Congressman Mike Rogers (AL-03), the Business Council of Alabama (BCA) and former Senator Luther Strange (R-AL), has been working as an advisor to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson in Washington, D.C. since last year.

Yellowhammer News in September wrote about Drummond facing racial abuse from the “tolerant left” after he proudly served as a summer White House intern for President Donald Trump.

Now, Drummond has exemplified the true meaning of public service once again, going above and beyond to do more for our country.

In a recent Facebook post, Drummond shared a powerful life update, beginning, “I have lived an incredibly blessed life – receiving opportunities that many around the world would kill for. I have been taught by some of the best professors in the country and received an incredible opportunity to go work for the Trump Administration following my graduation from college.”

“I have always appreciated the service of our men and women in uniform. Because of their selfless sacrifice, I am able to live in comfort and privilege,” he continued. “For awhile now, I have felt incredibly guilty that I wasn’t doing enough to give back to my country, a nation that has given so much to me.”

Drummond lamented, “While I was sitting in my fancy office in DC, socializing with political elites, and living it up with my friends on the weekends, others were suffering and serving.”

This selfless frame of mind led Drummond to make an incredible leap of faith, he said.

“So back in January, I made a decision to enlist in the United States Marine Corps,” he explained. “I walked into Secretary Ben Carson’s office and asked for military leave and without hesitation he offered his full support.”

From there, Drummond outlined that in February, he “shipped off to boot camp in the middle of the night,” only telling his immediate family members and four close friends what he was doing.

The journey from February until now was not easy.

“These past months have been beyond challenging. I have been tested mentally, physically, and spiritually,” Drummond emphasized. “Honestly, there were many days where I didn’t think I would even make it.”

Yet, the leap of faith and all of his hard work has paid off.

As of Friday, Drummond wrote that he is “officially America’s newest United States Marine.”

This new member of the Marine Corps seems set to keep making his home state proud.

Read his post below:

Sean Ross is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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