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Troy King releases first video ad in AL-02, touts strong ties to district

Former Alabama Attorney General Troy King on Friday released his first video ad on social media in his quest to succeed U.S. Rep. Martha Roby (AL-02).

Entitled, “Why I’m Running,” the ad outlines King’s deep roots in the district, including being brought up in Elba, going to college in Troy and raising his family in Montgomery.

“Everybody running for Congress wants to tell you what they’ll do once they get to Washington,” he says to begin the ad. “But I think you can tell a lot more about what a person will do once they get there by knowing how they got there in the first place. And for me, that road leads through the heart of the Second Congressional District.”

In the ad, which lasts one minute and 45 seconds, King also talks about core values that he shares with the people of the district, including supporting the Second Amendment and faith playing a large role in their lives.

“Under President Trump’s leadership, taxes are down, wages are down and our borders are more secure,” King adds. “And you can bet that I’ll stand with the president.”

“And I won’t rest until we take back Washington from the liberal nuts who want to run this country into the ground,” he continues, as images of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) flash across the screen.


King is running in the competitive AL-02 Republican primary field, which includes Wiregrass businessman Jeff Coleman, Prattville businesswoman Jessica Taylor and former State Rep. Barry Moore (R-Enterprise).

The release of King’s ad comes the day after Coleman released his third TV ad of the cycle and Taylor received a major national pro-life endorsement.

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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