Republican Presidential Primary:
Interesting note: since FL was punished for moving their primary up, AL & FL actually have the same amount of delegates – 50. #alpolitics
— Cliff Sims (@Cliff_Sims) February 1, 2012
GOP Primary: Predicting Alabama Based on Florida Panhandle Numbers #alpolitics
— Yellow Hammer (@YHPolitics) February 1, 2012
The Obama Administration:
Unemployment for teenagers is 23.4%, almost 3 times the Nat’l Average. Yet another sign this Adminstration is hurting young people. #crnc
— Alex Schriver (@AlexSchriver) February 3, 2012
This I know. If a Republican were at 1600 Penn, the “Fast and Furious” situation would be the biggest Washington scandal since Iran/Contra.
— Matt Murphy (@mattmurphyshow) February 3, 2012
Alabama Education Reform:
AEA boss says Alabama isn’t behind on education reform: “Preposterous.” His kids are in private school. #ALpolitics
— Taylor Nichols (@taylornichols) February 1, 2012…I’m sorry, but I’m pretty sure AEA DOESN’T have the children in mind.They never do.#union
— Stephanie Smith (@StephHoldSmith) February 1, 2012
wow, AEA wants to help teacher’s so much that they will even fight a tax cut forteachers’ classroom supplies
— Philip Bryan (@j_philipbryan) February 1, 2012
DC in one photo. RT @CarolineWren Of course Capitol Hill Bookstore has The Federalist Papers under “Radicalism”… @FedSoc
— Taylor Nichols (@taylornichols) January 29, 2012
LOLZ RT @georgetalbot: Today’s column: Alabama candidates vow to impeach Obama:
— Nathan Lindsay (@NathanLindsay) February 1, 2012