Technology: How Alabama Public School Are Using It to Protect Students

In a move to increase student safety, Mobile County Public Schools are equipping schools with the technology necessary to achieve that end.

As a new school year begins, school system officials have outfitted Mary B. Austin Elementary with scanning technology designed to monitor visitors entering campus.

As reported by Fox 10 News, instead of the tradition sign-in system, those wishing to visit the school will have to scan their ID before they are allowed to gain access. This measure is intended to verify the person is who they say they are, and that they’re authorized to be there.

Recent years have proven deadly for schools across the country. From the attacks at Sandy Hook Elementary to Columbine High School, it is clear that the potential for danger is ever present. Not only will the scanning technology alert faculty and staff to the presence of unwanted visitors, but it will also alert them to any criminal history someone may have.

The Mobile County Public School District is the largest in the state with nearly 58,000 students, and when asked to comment, Rena Philips said, “Safety is first and foremost on our minds. . .”

Whether or not steps like this will be taken up by other school districts is difficult to say, but it is clear that the safety of students must continue to be schools number one priority.

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