Sheriff Hoss Mack: Why I’m voting for Jerry Carl on March 5th

Hoss Mack

I’m voting for Congressman Jerry Carl on March 5th because he’s a man of his word, and he’s a conservative who gets things done. There are two types of elected officials: those who talk about doing things and those who actually get them done. Jerry is the guy who gets them done.

Jerry has been a friend of mine for many years, and he’s always had my back and the backs of all my fellow law enforcement officers. Most importantly, he understands Baldwin County and knows the issues we face, like the massive amount of illegal drugs and immigrants coming across our southern border.

Some folks may think the border crisis doesn’t impact us here in Alabama, but I can promise you it does. Baldwin County – and all of Alabama – is directly impacted by the border crisis. Just a few months ago, an MS13 gang member on El Salvador’s most wanted list was arrested in Chelsea, AL, after being deported just a year prior.

Chelsea is a small, quiet town outside of Birmingham, more than 1,000 miles from the southern border. If it can happen in Chelsea, it can happen anywhere.

This gang member living illegally in Alabama was wanted in El Salvador for aggravated kidnapping, attempted aggravated homicide, aggravated extortion, terrorist organization, and deprivation of liberty. That’s the definition of a bad guy, and these are the kinds of people coming across our border.

RELATED: Carl picks up endorsements from state lawmakers, local leaders

Thankfully, we have Jerry Carl fighting for us in Washington to put an end to this. He worked to pass the toughest border bill in history, and he’s consistently voted to build the wall and secure our border.

We need more people like Jerry in Congress who actually deliver on the Trump agenda and put America first, rather than just talk about doing it.

Those of us in Baldwin County, and everywhere else in Alabama’s First Congressional District, need someone in Washington who actually gets things done for us and delivers on the Trump agenda.

Jerry Carl is that person, and that’s why I’ll be voting for him on March 5th. I hope you will join me and send him to Washington to continue fighting for us.   

Sheriff Mack was first elected in 2006 and is currently serving his 5th term as Sheriff of Baldwin County. He is the past President of the Alabama Sheriff’s Association.

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