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Rep. Rogers: Border policies ‘enrich cartels’

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is an abysmal failure and President Joe Biden is even worse. Thanks to their treasonous open border policies, our country has become decidedly more dangerous.

Biden ensured this would happen in his first days in office with a set of executive orders that reversed most of President Trump’s border policies. With these actions, he essentially invited the cartels into our country with unfettered access – bringing deadly fentanyl, crime, and human trafficking with them.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I do not believe the Statue of Liberty has “Give me your tired, your poor, your career criminals yearning to fuel the opioid epidemic” inscribed on it.

The fact is that Biden’s border policies enrich the cartels. Smuggling illegal immigrants makes the cartels an estimated $13 billion a year. There have been over 5 million illegal crossings since Biden took office.

Worse still, they’re not just smuggling people across the border.

This year alone, there have been over 14,000 pounds of fentanyl seized at the southern border – more than enough to kill every US citizen. Last year, there were 98 people stopped at the border who were on the terror watchlist. These numbers would be troubling enough if we caught most illegal border crossers.

Yet, according to the best estimates, Border Patrol agents catch about half of those entering the country illegally at the southern border. Still, Secretary Mayorkas insists that his agency maintains operational control of the border. That is a lie.

Now with Title 42 expired, our border will face an even larger surge of illegal migrants due to Biden’s unwillingness to act. I want to be clear – Title 42 is not the sole answer to our country’s border security problem. Border control – including the completion of President Trump’s border wall – is the right answer.

However, the Biden Administration’s far-left policies destabilize our nation instead of
protecting our sovereignty.

House Republicans are using our new majority to come up with real solutions. H.R. 2 is a multi-faceted, common-sense approach to addressing the border crisis. This legislation will immediately give border patrol the tools necessary to gain operational control of the border.

It will finish President Trump’s border wall and strengthen laws to protect children from vile human traffickers.

Make no mistake about it, Joe Biden’s open border policies are a direct threat to our sovereignty, security, rule of law, and children’s futures. House Republican’s H.R. 2 would help seal our border.

Hopefully, Joe Biden will finally put America First and support H.R. 2 as well.

Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Saks) is chairman of the House Armed Services Committee.

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