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Police: Alabama school administrator videoed 14-year-old in shower

(Photo: YouTube screenshot)
(Photo: YouTube screenshot)

LOCUST FORK, Ala. — Police have arrested Locust Fork High School assistant principal Tim Clevenger in Blount County on felony charges that he videoed a 14-year old girl in the shower without her knowledge.

The 48-year old Clevenger allegedly taped the girl preparing for a shower at his home, where she was a visitor, through an exterior window. The girl did not appear to know she was being taped.

“My heart is broken for the victim and for Locust Fork School,” Blount County District Attorney Pamela Casey said. “The victim was completely unaware that she was a victim and she in no way participated in the situation.”

The video was found on the assistant principal’s school computer by school IT officials.

According to AL.com, Clevenger’s arrest is just the latest in a string of teachers and administrators in the Blount County school system accused of inappropriate behavior with students.

Additionally, a 2014 study by Terry Abbott, who served as chief of staff under Secretary of Education Rod Paige during President George W. Bush’s first term, found that Alabama has the most incidents of teacher-student sex cases per capita in the nation.

Clevenger is currently being held without bond in the Blount County Correctional Facility.

“There are many wonderful teachers, staff and faculty at Locust Fork who I work with regularly,” District Attorney Casey said. “I hate to see this reflect on them and the work they do for our children.

“Let me be clear, our most precious resource is our children in this county. We will prosecute those who harm them or attempt to harm them. Period.”

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