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Parker Griffith: ‘America’s greatest enemy is America… nothing to fear from radical Islam’

A brutally effective campaign ad by the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) that aired in 2008 has resurfaced this morning and could have an impact on the current Alabama governor’s race.

In 2008, Dr. Parker Griffith was a Democratic member of the Alabama Senate and was running for U.S. Congress in Alabama’s 5th Congressional District.

During a campaign speech at the Lawrence County Baptist Prayer Breakfast, Griffith made the comment that “America’s greatest enemy is America and its materialism. We have nothing to fear from radical Islam.”

The NRCC took those comments and created an ad that reminded voters of the numerous terrorist attacks perpetrated by radical Islamists against the United States.

Here’s a transcript of the ad, which can be viewed above:

1998, terrorists strike U.S. embassies in Africa. 2000, the USS Cole is attacked. 2001, terrorists attack America. 2008, the Marriott in Pakistan is bombed. But Parker Griffith says we have nothing to fear from radical Islam.

“America’s greatest enemy is America and its materialism. We have nothing to fear from radical Islam.”

Parker Griffith: wrong for Alabama.

“America’s greatest enemy is America.”

As out of touch as Griffith’s comments were in 2008, they may be even more so today as ISIS sweeps across the Middle East with its sights set on attacking the American homeland. We’re also less than a week removed from an Oklahoma man beheading a former co-worker while yelling Islamic phrases.

In addition to that, Griffith also made some controversial comments in July comparing Alabama politics to warring Islamic sects, so this is not the first time his gubernatorial bid has been sidetracked by comments related to Islam.

Yellowhammer reached out to Dr. Griffith Wednesday morning to ask if he still stands by his remarks. Our request for comment was not immediately returned.


Bentley Campaign spokesperson Rebekah Mason responded to Griffith’s comments with this statement:

“Parker Griffith has a track record of saying and doing anything to get elected. No one should be surprised by his remarks, not even these troubling statements.”

Follow Cliff on Twitter @Cliff_Sims

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