Orr to welfare recipients: prove you’re looking for a job

Sen. Arthur Orr, R-Decatur
Sen. Arthur Orr, R-Decatur

Sen. Arthur Orr, R-Decatur, says he has drafted a bill that would require individuals seeking welfare assistance to prove they have applied for at least three jobs before receiving benefits. He plans to pre-file the legislation before the 2014 session, which begins in January.

Orr, chairman of the Senate General Fund Budget Committee, says his bill is intended to inspire Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients to use the benefits as a last resort.

“Other states who have adopted similar laws have seen a significant decrease in the amount of public assistance benefits paid out,” Orr said. “No one is against extending a hand to those genuinely in need, but the hardworking taxpayers who fund these benefits deserve to be protected against abuse of the system.”

The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that the state of Pennsylvania denied as many as eight out of ten welfare applicants after implementing a similar law known as pre-approval work search.

“The TANF program is designed to serve as a safety net for who find themselves in a situation of temporary need,” Orr said. “Everyone wins when those individuals are able to find a job instead of having to rely on public assistance. This legislation will ensure that taxpayer funds are used for those who legitimately can’t find work, not those who aren’t first willing to try.”

18 other states have passed similar bills. The proposal is part of Alabama Republican’s ongoing effort to rein in government spending.

What do you think? Should welfare recipients have to prove they’re actively seeking employment before receiving benefits?

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