Op-ed: Gifts from God – Alabama must protect IVF

Stuart Franco

Children are a blessing from the Lord. That’s not exactly a hot take. For many, the path to parenthood is simple, but for others, it is a journey marked by heartbreak, loss, and unwavering hope.

Those who struggle with infertility know the ache of empty arms and unanswered prayers. When my wife & I made the decision that it was time to start our own family, we could not imagine the challenges we were about to face.

For two people who wanted nothing more than to be parents, infertility seemed like a cruel joke. Every miscarriage and every setback sent us into a pit of grief. However, even in our darkest and lowest moments—when the faint sound of a heartbeat flickering into existence on an ultrasound had faded away—we held on to the truth that God was in control.

Though our hearts broke for the little ones who could not stay with us, we trusted that God had a plan, even as months turned into years of prayer, tears, and determination. 

Too many Alabama families struggle with infertility. For those families, IVF isn’t just a medical procedure; it’s a lifeline. It’s an opportunity to see God’s promise of life fulfilled. It offers hope to countless couples.

In Alabama, where family values run deep and life is treasured, IVF embodies the very spirit of being pro-life and pro-family. It’s about embracing the gift of life through the tools and wisdom that Providence has made possible, just as we do with every other medical breakthrough.

Yet, recent legal uncertainties and court rulings cast a shadow over the future of IVF, threatening to limit access or impose restrictions that could prevent Alabama families from having children.

We cannot allow that to happen in our state. The same principles that guide our commitment to protecting life from its earliest stages should also guide us to protect the science and medicine that help create it. Being pro-life means supporting every avenue that brings life into this world.

IVF doesn’t destroy life—it nurtures it. The idea that families could be denied access to IVF due to legal barriers or restrictive laws is not only heartbreaking; it contradicts the very values many of us Alabamians hold dear.

We call on Alabama’s legislators to stand with families who dare to dream of parenthood despite overwhelming odds. We need legislation in Alabama that ensures IVF remains accessible, safe, and free from unnecessary legal obstacles. Families who turn to IVF are doing so out of love and an unwavering desire to bring life into the world. They deserve support, not hindrance.

Our story is a testament to the miracle of IVF. In May of 2022, after eight long years of infertility, we welcomed our son into the world – made possible through IVF. We named him John, meaning “gift from God.”

In January 2025, his sister arrived—another miracle of IVF. We named her Laurel, symbolizing the triumph of life over loss. Our children remind us that God is always in control. They also show us what IVF makes possible.

Their laughter fills our home, their smiles fill our hearts, and their presence fills a space we once feared would remain empty. Protecting IVF means protecting the future of families like ours—families who refuse to give up, even when the odds seem impossible.

In Alabama, let’s ensure that pro-life also means pro-IVF.  Let’s stand up for the families who pray to hold their children, just as we are now blessed to hold ours.

Originally from Montgomery, Stuart Franco now lives in Homewood with his wife Michelle and two children. He owns Focus Birmingham, an advertising and content strategy company.