WASHINGTON – Rep. Martha Roby, R-Montgomery, is encouraging her constituent to tell their ObamaCare horror stories to her and her staff.
In a release put out on Thursday, Roby laid out her view of the law and presented the challenge she and her colleagues face in fighting it.
“House and Senate members from both parties recognize the basic unfairness that has occurred, and legislation to allow Americans to keep their health insurance is gaining traction,” Roby said in a release. “However, even though Republicans and Democrats support fixing this problem, we are fighting an uphill battle because this is President Obama’s signature law. Right now, the White House is still resisting the idea of actually allowing Americans to keep the health insurance they like, even though that is exactly what President Obama promised for years.”
With that in mind, Roby is asking her constituents to send her office their personal problem stories so that she can use them to fight back.
“I’m asking Alabamians who have been impacted by ObamaCare to share their stories. If your rates have increased, if the plan you like got cancelled or altered, if you won’t be able to see your doctor – tell me about it,” she continued in her release. “Tell me your story so I can be your voice in Congress and push for change. The more we highlight specific examples that demonstrate the real-life consequences of ObamaCare, the more pressure we can put on the White House to accept commonsense, bi-partisan reforms.”
Roby’s office created a special online form to make it for constituents to share these stories. But her office also encourages individuals to tell their ObamaCare stories with on Facebook or Twitter, by email, or by phone to the Washington, D.C. office at 202-225-2901.
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