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Roby: Keep your heatlh insurance if you like it — for real this time

WASHINGTON – On Tuesday, Rep. Martha Roby, R-Montgomery, announced she is sponsoring legislation that would take on health insurance cancelations and skyrocketing costs being caused by ObamaCare.

Roby explained the bill, which is known as the “Keep Your Health Plan Act,” in a video published on her YouTube account Tuesday.

“Remember when President Obama said over and over again that ‘if you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your healthcare plan?’ Well, it turns out that wasn’t true, as thousands of Alabamians and millions across America are facing health insurance cancelations or skyrocketing costs,” Roby said. “President Obama broke his promise, and hardworking Americans who took the president at his word are paying the price.”

“That’s why this week I am co-sponsoring legislation that would make this right by protecting Americans who are losing their health plans because of ObamaCare.” she continued. “The ‘Keep Your Health Plan Act’ would allow health care plans available today on the individual market to continue to be offered so people have the option to keep what they have if they like it. The bill also ensures that Americans maintaining their health care plan as they were promised they could will not face a penalty under ObamaCare. I don’t know why the President repeatedly misled the country about ObamaCare. This is the kind of Washington political doublespeak people are so fed up with – and this time it is hurting people in a very real way. The President made a promise to Americans all across the country, and we need to make it right. That’s why I’m urging the House to take up the ‘Keep Your Health Plan Act’ right away.”

There has been anecdotal evidence that Alabamians are being hit particularly hard by the ObamaCare rollout.

One Alabama couple’s premium shot up an astounding 344 percent, from $402 per month to $1,380.28 per month. A recent study estimates the average Alabamian will see their premium rise 60 percent.

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