Nationally syndicated talk radio host and Fox News contributor Laura Ingraham has made up her mind who she wants to run for President of the United States in 2016, and it’s not any of the names the so-called mainstream media has been trumpeting.
“Jeff Sessions, we need Sessions for President,” Ingraham said earlier this week on her radio program. “Really, is there anyone out there who is better than Jeff Sessions on any of these issues? He’s great. I think someone like Sessions could probably attract Democrats, Hispanics who are here legally who are tired of these stupid trade agreements and who have had their own wages undercut by illegal immigration, African Americans, certainly I think a lot of Tea Party people. Sessions is one of the few people to actually say it like it is.”
Ingraham was reacting to Sen. Sessions’ keynote address at the Tea Party Patriots fifth anniversary conference in Washington, D.C. last week.
“They say you’re extreme,” Sessions said to the assembled crowd. “But I say extreme is running up $18 trillion in debt. Extreme is a 2,700-page healthcare bill that nobody could understand and is doing great damage to America. Extreme is a president who won’t enforce laws on the books and will enforce ‘laws’ not on the books. Extreme is embracing immigration policy that validates illegality and triples the number of people who would be brought into our country in a time of high unemployment. Extreme is maintaining a debt path that is unsustainable.”
Related: Here’s an idea for the 2017 State of the Union address
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