Movie trailer for ‘Tokarev,’ which was shot in Mobile, hits the web

(Above: official trailer for “Tokarev” starring Nicolas Cage)

“When the Russian mob kidnaps the daughter of a reformed criminal, he rounds up his old crew and seeks his own brand of justice.”

That’s how IMDb describes “Tokarev,” an action thriller filmed in Mobile, Ala. and set to hit theaters next year starring Nicolas Cage, Danny Glover, Max Ryan and Michael McGrady.

The official trailer for the movie hit the web today.

In 2012, Gov. Robert Bentley, R-Tuscaloosa, signed a bill into law that provided tax incentives for movie production companies investing at least $500,000 in a project being shot in Alabama. The bill was initially sponsored by Rep. Terri Collins, R-Decatur.

“Although we are somewhat new to the industry regarding film incentives, Alabama has already gained recognition and earned respect as a state with an uncomplicated process and an honest work ethic,” Secretary of Commerce Greg Canfield said at the time of the bill’s passage. “The Governor and the Legislature have shown their overwhelming support and we see a bigger and brighter future for Alabama in the film industry.”

Will you be going to see “Tokarev” when it comes to theaters in 2014?

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