Martha Roby on Syria: This is chess, not checkers

In an interview with Dothan CBS affiliate WTVY, Rep. Martha Roby, R-Montgomery, weighed in on potential U.S. intervention in Syria.

Speaking at one of her “Martha Listens” town hall events in Enterprise, Roby expressed the seriousness of casting a vote to authorize President Barack Obama to use military force.

“It’s the most solemn decision a member of Congress could ever make is to cast vote to send our men and women in uniform into harm’s way, particularly at a time like this when we have cut our military so much through sequestration,” Roby said. “This is not a game of checkers,” she said. “This has to be a game of chess. The impact of this goes far beyond Syria.”

Roby is still undecided on how she will vote, but the second congressional district congresswoman told WTVY she is waiting for more information from the Obama administration before she decides.

“The president in my opinion needs to sell this to the American people with very clearly defined objectives, with an end game and a what-next,” she said.

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