Live blog — Super Tuesday

The state of Alabama is voting Tuesday, March 3. Follow along for live coverage throughout the day regarding the primaries for president, U.S. Senate and more, including Amendment One.

Polls close at 7:00 p.m.

Update 10:21:

Sessions in speech to supporters: “I have some terrible news for Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer: Doug Jones’ brief visit in the United States Senate is just about over.”

Update 10:20:
AP calls some races in Alabama.

Update 10:15:
Byrne not conceding just yet, but will accept the results.

Update 10:03:

Update 10:00:

Someone’s coffee wore off.

Update 9:57:

Story: Amendment One rejected by Alabama voters by wide margin

Update 9:49:

From Gina Maiola, press secretary for Governor Kay Ivey, on Amendment One’s failure:

Amendment One was a bold and ambitious effort to transform our state’s public schools. Governor Ivey was willing to step out and support this idea because she firmly believed leadership – and change – started with the Board itself. Tonight, however, it appears the fear of losing the right to elect our State School Board members was greater than the confidence we had that fundamental change could be made. While disappointed, the governor’s resolve to improve our public education system remains intact. Amendment One is not where her plans for education stop, and you’ll see her continue to be more innovative and creative with her approach to improving Alabama.

Update 9:39:
Twinkle Andress Cavanaugh shines on Super Tuesday.

Update 9:27:

It’s a no from Alabama on Amendment One.

Update 9:25:

The scene at Tuberville’s watch party:

Update 9:16
The Riverboat Gambler looking strong so far.

Update 9:02:

Mo all smiles after beating Lewis.

Update 9:00:

Mo Brooks blows out Chris Lewis.

Update 8:49:

Looking like a no on Amendment One.

Update 8:45:

Early numbers for some Alabama congressional races.

Update 8:42:
Sessions and Tuberville neck and neck.

Update 8:39:

Team Byrne still optimistic.

Update 8:33:
Story: Trump wins Alabama’s Republican presidential primary in rout

Update 8:12:

Just over 1% reporting, but a look at the GOP U.S. Senate race in Alabama:

Update 8:05:

Check out Yellowhammer News’ story on Biden winning in Alabama here.

Update 7:46:
Secretary of State John Merrill says Alabama had a 30-35% voter turnout for Super Tuesday.

Update 7:39:
Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL), who ran unopposed, released the following statement on the Alabama Senate primary:

Thanks to my friend, Jason Isbell, our One Alabama concert kicked off tonight by bringing people together to celebrate good music and unity and all that Alabamians have in common. That’s what our campaign is about — calling on all Alabamians to reject those that seek to divide us and come together as one Alabama to build a better future. As Alabama’s United States Senator, I’m focused on the kitchen table issues that affect all Alabamians, not divisive rhetoric or political pandering. I look forward to discussing issues like health care, education and supporting our military families with whoever wins the primary.

Update 7:36:

The RNC’s Kevin Knox issued the following statement regarding the 2020 Democratic primary in Alabama:

While President Trump cruised to victory in tonight’s Republican presidential primary, the 2020 Democrat field showcased nothing more than a mix of radical and socialist agendas that are despised by Alabamians. Super Tuesday cemented Alabama loudly and proudly as Trump country, with voters ready to defeat whichever socialist Democrat is chosen to face the president’s unprecedented record of success in November.

Update 7:32:
Trump has a message for Alabama:

Update 7:27:
In news that surprises absolutely nobody…

Update 7:24:
Black voters in Alabama overwhelmingly vote Biden.

Update 7:11:

Big swing for Biden?

Update 7:04:

That was fast. AP says Biden has won the Dem. primary in Alabama.

Update 7:00:
The polls are now closed. Kick back, relax and hit that refresh button often.

Update 6:41:
Sessions campaign watching the bigger counties

Update 6:30:

For live radio coverage of tonight’s results, listen to Yellowhammer’s Jeff Poor on Huntsville’s WVNN. Yellowhammer’s Sean Ross, Dale Jackson and Henry Thornton are all scheduled to be on, as well as others from around the state. Coverage begins at 7:00.

Listen below:

Update 6:20:

Byrne campaign keeping an eye on the smaller counties in the first district