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Letters to the Editor: ‘Judge Moore may be the victim here’



‘The greater good should take precedence’

Staying in the race does not speak well for Roy Moore. Even though the timing of these allegations is suspect, a true and honest man would bow out and allow room for another candidate who espouses the view of moral Republicans. The battle is lost but, not the war. To let a left wing Democrat, who does not have regard for human life, take a seat in the Senate is outrageous.

If Moore was a man of principles, he would acknowledge that his defense should take place later in court and that the greater good should take precedence.

I am not interested in his guilt or his innocence. I am interested in the harm that he is doing by staying.

Elaine Leonard, Springville


‘Judge Moore may be the victim here’

I write a weekly newspaper column. The article I wrote last week was on the Power of Forgiveness. This is one of the greatest things missing in the lives of so many and in society as a whole.

With all of the recent accusations against Judge Roy Moore, many have found themselves remembering and reliving some painful experiences in their pasts.

The thing that sticks out most about the angry posts from those who have been abused or had family that was abused….Unforgiveness.

I don’t hear in their tone, or see it in their words that they have forgiven their perpetrators.
From personal experience, and from talking and counseling with numerous people over the years….I can tell you that the pain of abuse of any kind will never be lessened until you find it in your heart to forgive.

I don’t know if any of the allegations against Roy Moore are true or not. I wasn’t there, and am still wondering about the timing of all of this.

Many of you are seeing the women who have come forth as the victims….not leaving open the possibility that Judge Moore may be the victim here. Until I see proof positive that there have been crimes committed, then I will not jump on the “Bash Roy Moore” bandwagon.
One thing I can promise you….I will NEVER vote for anyone who supports abortion on demand…..transgender bathrooms, and same sex “marriage”. So I would never vote for someone like Doug Jones.

One question begs to be answered in all of this as well…..

Did the Washington Post make the same effort to uncover any kind of “dirt” on Doug Jones, and if they had found some, would they have been just as willing to expose it?

Just saying…..

Garry Lovette, Muscle Shoals


‘I do not have respect for those that defend Roy Moore without good evidence’

Conservative Christians in Alabama face a horrible choice. Do we elect someone who could potentially be a pedophile (which goes against everything we stand for), or do we allow someone who is against everything we stand for to be elected instead?

Neither option is appealing, and I can respect either choice.


I cannot respect my fellow Christians who assert Roy Moore’s innocence without evidence backing them up.

Perhaps some are not convinced by the testimony against Moore. That would justify remaining uncertain as to his guilt or innocence, which in turn might permit voting for him. Fair enough. But some go further and assert that Moore is definitely not guilty and is being persecuted.


Obviously, Moore is legally innocent until proven guilty. But is it unreasonable to believe that OJ Simpson is a murderer or Michael Jackson was a pedophile despite neither having been convicted? I think not.

As a conservative Christian, I do not have respect for those that defend Roy Moore without good evidence. We need Christians who proclaim that evil is evil, and is not to be tolerated no matter who is committing it. We do not need Christians who defend an alleged sexual miscreant merely because a) they are so committed to maintaining our political voice that they’ll sacrifice their values to keep it, or b) they so idolize a mere man that they won’t admit he might be a hypocrite.

Neither is compatible with my understanding of Biblical Christianity. If you have evidence that Moore is innocent, please do defend him—on the basis of the evidence. Otherwise, please don’t sacrifice your integrity; it reflects on all of us.

Everyone is fallible, and I for one will not violate my conscience by asserting Moore’s innocence without good reason…

So help me God.

Theo, Bessemer

(Editor’s Note: This article is part of a guest series. We invite conservatives in Alabama to submit their opinions about the Roy Moore issue. Please find submission guidelines here.)

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