Huntsville athletes attempting to break world record for ‘Burpees’

Photo by HealthSource Burpee Challenge for Guinness World Record Facebook page
Photo by HealthSource Burpee Challenge for Guinness World Record Facebook page

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. – There have been at least 17 times Alabamians have broken a Guinness World Record. This weekend, you can be part of history at the the Rocket City Tailgate Challenge where a group of fitness fanatics will attempt to break one more: the most people performing burpees simultaneously.

Burpees are a full body exercise used in strength and aerobic that includes standing, squatting and jumping. If the thought of breaking a world record doesn’t get your heart rate up, this exercise definitely will.

The Rocket City Tailgate Challenge is this Saturday, August 22 at the Von Braun Center, and all are welcome to attend the free event. The tailgate challenge event promotes tailgating, athletics, youth and entertainment; performing burpees for 2 minutes will only be part of the fun.

296 people are needed in the attempt to break the Guinness World Record of the most people performing burpees simultaneously. VBC Group Sales Manager Craig Maples said 380 people have already registered for the event.

The attempt to break the Guinness World Record will take place at 12 p.m. on the turf inside the VBC South Hall. Even if you aren’t participating in the record breaking, onlookers are encouraged to come and cheer on participants. Other events occurring at the Rocket City Tailgate Challenge include live music, a video game truck, youth athletic challenges and a tailgating competition.

The largest pot of beans, oldest chicken, largest bubblegum bubble blown, and youngest college graduate are just some of the Guinness World Records that Alabamians have achieved; this Saturday, throw on some exercise clothes, stretch out those muscles and help Alabama add one more to the list.