Bonus points this week to anyone who recognizes the gentleman in the picture.
“Hate Mail of the Week” is a weekly feature on Yellowhammer Politics in which some of the hate mail submitted through our contact page is published exactly as it was received. The only edits made are to remove expletives — this is a family show, after all.
If you feel like you hate this site, or me, more than the people below — you’re welcome to share your thoughts and feelings here. But at least be creative.
You can see last week’s hate mail here.
Name: YOURE the one who is a hater
Email: [email protected]
Comments: This is in response to your post about Claire Austin being “in hot water” and in response to all those in the comments who want to take anonymous shots at her. Screw you. Claire Austin is disliked by plenty of people in Montgomery because she is one of the few people who isn’t afraid to say what she thinks. The rest of these slimy wannabe power players do nothing but slap each other’s backs then get behind closed doors and plot. Claire has more balls than all of you “men” put together. As for her being in “hot water”…please. Claire gets the job done and calling her into the principal’s office to put on a show isn’t going to change that.
Name: bedford > the entire gop
Email: [email protected]
Comments: Your article about Roger Bedford consisted of 3 parts: lies, damn lies, and words that couldn’t be further from the truth. I guess this was your attempt to take him down like you tried to do Ford? Fail. and Fail. “Senators Bryan Taylor and Phil Williams are spearheading the repeal efforts in the Senate.” What the hell are you talking about? Bedford walked up to the mic and offered amendments that repealed the pay raise AND made anyone who took the pay raise pay the state back. What did the GOP do? Some convulooted scheme to keep as much money as they can and act like it was the Democrats fault. You’re nothing but a herpes infested mouthpiece for the tea party and business interests. Say what you want about the AEA but at least they are fighting for a cause that’s worth it. And here’s a newsflash kid: Fascist corporatism is NOT a cause worth fighting for. Especially as hard as you do.
Name: An Ode to a homophobic racist misogynist
Email: [email protected]
Comments: He hates the AEA. He hates anyone who is gay. He supports destroying education in hopes it’ll help him get paid.
He hates any person who’s black. For lying he has quite a knack. He’s mad at some lady named Claire – probably cuz he could not get her in the sack.
He hates every woman alive. A bitter old bitch he will die. He cheats and he schemes and Cliff is his name, and with that I bid you goodbye.