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Following deadly year in Chicago, NRA rep says Sessions’ confirmation will save lives


2016 was reportedly the deadliest year in two decades for the city of Chicago. Following reports that 762 murders took place, NRA-ILA executive director Chris Cox says the news is further proof that Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions is needed as Attorney General.

“The political response to this situation has been immoral. But help is on the way with a new AG,” Cox tweeted.

Chicago is one of the few cities in the U.S. that imposes strict gun control laws. Often, the city proves to be a poster-child for the failures of anti-Second Amendment policies.

In addition to a staggering number of murders, the Windy City also experienced 4,338 total shootings in 2016. The Chicago Tribune notes that the increase of both numbers doubled over 2015.

The NRA has suggested in prior statements that Sessions’ appointment to Attorney General could allow the Alabama Senator to take action against “illegal” laws that curb gun ownership rights.

During the presidential election, Senator Sessions stood by Donald Trump as a fierce advocate for gun rights. At the time, he chiefly warned against what could happen if Hillary Clinton had the ability to appoint gun control-friendly Supreme Court Justices to the bench.

“And what that means is, it’s no longer a personal right to have a gun, but every city, county, and state can completely ban firearms in America,” Sessions told Fox News at the time. “This would be the greatest reduction of Second Amendment rights since the founding of the republic.”

Sessions has long been known for his firm stance against gun control measures. Senator Sessions is expected to face confirmation hearings next week, amid Democratic opposition.

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