Love her or hate her, there is no denying the brevity and resilience Sarah Huckabee Sanders exhibits each time she steps behind the White House Press Secretary podium.
Since taking office, President Trump has faced an extreme amount of criticism. Some of the criticism was deserved, some of it wasn’t. Regardless of what the criticism was, Sanders’ job is to adequately represent President Trump and his administration during each daily briefing.
Sanders, the daughter of former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, is confronted with difficult questions during each press briefing. Most people expect the Press Secretary to perform like a robot and adjust to the harshness and crudeness of the press. Sanders does everything but.
Sanders, who took office in July 2017, is not your typical White House Press Secretary. But with an always contemptuous press hammering you with sometimes difficult questions, how can you expect her to be? This woman has taken on a very difficult position that takes an extreme amount of courage and endurance.
Sanders has been criticized heavily over the last few months for the way she handles herself in the briefing room. She was especially criticized in November 2017 after she asked members of the Press to say what they were thankful for before taking questions. To me, this was a great idea. I thought it united the press and the White House, which is something you don’t see very often in today’s political climate.
Personally, I believe Sanders is doing a great job. When the press fires, Sanders fires right back. Sanders possesses the ability to understand when certain media outlets are asking questions in a scornful manner. While most treat her with equal respect, others are not so nice when it comes their turn. CNN’s Jim Acosta has a bad habit of asking, what I would consider, dumb questions that do not relate to the news of the day. Not once has Acosta asked Sanders a question and not received a bold response.
Sanders could potentially be the most astute individual serving in the White House. Sanders’ shrewd ability to break down a situation in a moment’s notice is what makes her so remarkable. Not only is she intelligent enough to outsmart the press when they try to attack her, she always replies in a respectful and factual manner.
Time and time again, I see leftists criticizing Sanders. Whether it be for the way she looks, her clothes, her family, or her ability to make pies, men and women across the country point their fingers at her. During a time when so many preach the narrative that women should be treated with more respect, no one stands up for her. Where is the left-wing media standing up to all of the people who criticize Sanders so heavily? I don’t see or hear them and I understand exactly why I don’t. She is a conservative Republican. If she was in office representing Obama or any other Democrat, she would be highly respected and praised within the media. It appears that there are many inconsistencies within the narrative that so many people preach. ALL women deserve respect.
Overall, Sanders has done exactly what is being asked of her. Her sassiness has crafted her into one of the most well respected and loved individuals of the Trump White House.
Thank you, Sarah.
Kyle Morris is a senior at the University of Alabama and a Yellowhammer News contributor. He also writes for The Daily Caller.
Follow Kyle on Twitter: @RealKyleMorris